Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Jumpstart 2014 - Saturday March 8th 2014


Club Member
Club Member
May 31, 2012
Congratulations and thanks to the guys who organised the Loughmore gig, to get over 100 cars and their attendant devotees to a small rural village in Ireland on a March day was a phenomenal achievement. Hello and thanks also to all the friendly people I met for the first time yesterday. As a T25 owner I was delighted to see Trev's '81 T3 bus and Gritz's '89 T25 Panel van there having watched them being renewed on the Arena. However, my stand out moment has to be seeing the rear end of Donal Dollery's Bay as he whooshed down the fast lane of the M8 overtaking both convoy and regular traffic (must have been tipped off the goodie bags were running out). While I missed out on a baggie I did win a prize which I am very grateful for but I will probably never use. If any one has use for a guage holder they are welcome to have it, just arrange collection.P3090249.JPG
Great day, look forward to the next one.


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
now next one is there any date fixed for the limerick vw meet ??
is this meet going to be held at the racecourse ??

I was talking to Glenn & Colin Williams just before they left and while they'll announce it officially very soon, they confirmed that the same weekend is reserved (the weekend before the June bank holiday weekend, so Sunday May 25th) and the venue remains at Limerick Racecourse. It's going to be another good one!!

Don't forget Jon White and VWSpares will have their indoor swapmeet on 13th of April in Castledermot too :)


Club Member
Congrats to Coxy and his team, CM Signs (Beag & Gritz) and Duts, for organising what I think will probably be the biggest turnout of Aircooled VW's this summer. The last count I heard was 105+ which is a massive turnout of Aircooled cars/buses for a random Saturday in March....Congrats again we had a great day....(y)

Congrats to Best Of Show winner as well, never got his name....

Coming up collecting his prize.....(Love the Whitewalls)

Best Of Show 1.jpg

And on his parade lap through the village.....

Best Of Show.jpg
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Club Member
Didn't bring the camera, (actually forgot the camera) so only got one or two pics with the auld iphone thingy....

An early morning pic of the boys setting up the barricade to block Loughmore Village !!! :D


This gives a little idea of the turnout on the day, and that was just some of them....

Crowd 1.jpg

tonyvw looked like a happy man on his way home....



Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
Congrats to Coxy and his team, CM Signs (Beag & Gritz) and Duts, for organising what I think will probably be the biggest turnout of Aircooled VW's this summer. The last count I heard was 105+ which is a massive turnout of Aircooled cars/buses for a random Saturday in March....Congrats again we had a great day....(y)

Yep, fair play lads, it was an excellent turnout and a great start to the year. ;)


Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
I'm going mad, had thought it was more green...



Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2008
North Wexford
My reading requirements sorted now for a while thanks to the goodie bag, lots of cool stuff in it.
Excellent day out, great credit to Coxy, Gritz, Beag, Duts, Rez & co.


Club Member
Club Member
January 31, 2010
I dont know about beag and gritz but I did nothing to organise this event, that im nearly sure was all on Coxy. The lads did come through in fine style with the sponsorship though hats off. I just pulled on the "dont knock me down jacket" and pointed at cars! Oh I did do my very best Debbie MaGee impression when doing the draw. Oh and fair play to Rez for turning on his ipod for the day