Well that was unexpected.........106 VWs in a small village in Tipperary on a cold Saturday in March!
I had hoped that we might get around 50 cars but as we got closer to the date I knew it was going to go higher than that, exactly how high I wasn't sure. I was getting calls from people I never spoke to or met before saying they would love to come along having never been to a show before so that was great to see new people and their cars. There were also some cars that many had not seen for quite a few years so again, a pleasant surprise.
Unlike previous years, 2014 saw the event get its first ever sponsor in the form of CM Signs and for those that may not know, these are active club members and supporters Gritz (Brian) and Beag (Graham) which gave me the space to step it up.
Lemorris did a super job with the poster design while Justin did an equally super job in printing them and getting them to me on Friday so I could include them in the goodie bags - I lost track of the number of people who came up to me during the day looking to get another poster.
I was lucky to be able to fill over 50 goodie bags this year, an increase on the number last year but they were gone in minutes.
Best of Show was Milo's rockin '63 vintage speed styled Beetle while Donal's Tdi powered Early bay was second. Other winners were Teresa Dollery with her '65 Beetle, Alice Dwyer with her 1302LS Cabriolet and not to be outdone, her hubby Liam won with his T4.
Young birthday boy Emmett walked away with a little something although, I'm sure he thought it was shite so Dad might prefer it
The Cottage was at 100% occupancy all day so I guess they were happy as were the punters who were loving their food.
Here's the VW cupcakes they did for Jumpstart
I was going to thank Rez for doing such a sterling job with his tunes all day long which certainly contributed to the chilled out atmosphere on the day but I won't. I was also going to thank Duts for directing traffic as it came in which wasn't easy seeing as we had to try and squeeze in an extra and unplanned 50+ VWs into the already crammed village, but I won't thank him either. Will I thank Gritz and Beag for their sponsorship, printing of show stickers as well as Carbs & Chrome stickers or the directional signs they printed and set out on Saturday morning? Not on your life buddy.
Who will I thank for the success of Jumpstart? Liam and his much updated and modified list of course
........................and here he is, relaxing and contemplating life in Loughmore on Saturday
Well done Liam, you da man!.
........................not Gritz, Beag, Rez or even Duts (more Ulick McGee then Debbie McGee