Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Jumpstart 2014 - Saturday March 8th 2014


Club Member
Club Member
June 25, 2008
I have to say, it was a fantastic show. Great seeing some VW's that I hadn't seen before. I enjoy any VW show, but often you find it's the same bugs/buses at all the shows, so rather than look at the cars, u chat. Ain't nothing wrong with a bit of chat but this time there were plenty of new cars to see too. Great atmosphere in the village, and lovely food in the cottage. The only complaint I have is that awful racket coming from the iPod left playing in the green bay. Surprised the guards didn't come up because of noise pollution!


Club Member
Club Member
January 10, 2008
all those lovely stickers and not a single one did i get those goody bags must have been full to the brim

As far as I am aware of, Jumpstart is the only VW event that you pay absolutely nothing to attend.

You are in with a chance to win something from the great prizes worth over €1,000, again you dont have to even buy a raffle ticket.

Its the only event that has goodies bags worth between €10 - €40 depending on content,again these are completely free!

perhaps you should think of this the next time you have to pay at the gate at a show or have to pay for a sticker at an event.

Its not easy to pull all the above together without some serious begging and hard work, and for that we thank you Coxy.
The support you get from suppliers and sponsors reflects the respect they have for you and the huge contribution you make to the VW scene and to this club. The presentation made to Coxy on Saturday was a great idea and a fantastic way to say thank you for all his hard work, well done to all who organised this.



Club Member
Club Member
June 25, 2008
Poor Coxy, it was such an absolute success this year, he'll be under pressure next year. I hope those who sponsored prizes get business out of it so they continue to support the event. I rooted through Liams goody bag, and it was impressive all the great stuff we got in it (what his is mine, and he was driving my aircooled when he got the goody bag so I'll be robbing stuff out of it ;) ), but then again, I'm not surprised there was a goody bag for 1 in 2 vw's considering double the amount of vw arrived than the original estimate. Also, its surprising he managed to get enough to fill 10 bags, let alone 50! No1 else on the scene would have been able to do that, and like Gritz said, it reflects the level of respect the companies throughout europe have for him! Thought Eirespares and Barn bugs and wags are free admission. So I wonder where the new faces came from? The donedeal advert?


Club Member
February 3, 2009
It’s been the one event all winter I’ve been looking forward to and I’m annoyed that I missed it. Jumpstart is a great event to get us back into our Vdubs, dragging them out of hibernation, maybe even a quick oil change, timing and fresh petrol to pollute our lungs for the trip to Tipp.

Fair play to Cathal and the lads for sponsorship when they can't be guaranteed of an advertisement payback. I’ve never expected to get a free goodie bag at a car show but bribery will always help me attend a show. Well done Coxy now just do it all again next year, please :D

...............and FFS throw a bucket over Burty will ya! :rolleyes:


Club Member
Club Member
January 21, 2007
They weren't fully closed........sure I could see you and the goat quite clearly. Beag had to walk away. He said something about it being against god or nature :p


Alot of new friends made on the day! :)


Club Member
Club Member
January 31, 2010
The only complaint I have is that awful racket coming from the iPod left playing in the green bay. Surprised the guards didn't come up because of noise pollution!
I know, I rang the guards about 10 times to complain but nobody was available to get out to me. Ya think bein beside the garda training college would mean ya have plenty of the fuckers around. The first hour had me ears bleeding, to call it shite would be insulting to shite if im honest. I had to stop an auld boy in a land cruiser from ramming the van. Should have let him on and saved me the fone calls to the guards.


Club Member
Club Member
July 13, 2009
Well done Coxy and all involved, A great success and really enjoyed the day. Amazing to see so many vehicles out, looking forward to next year...