Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Request from BARRETSTOWN


AKA Deckie
November 21, 2006
Ballytoooooole .............
I'm not going to be able to make this
Have a ball as I'm sure Ye will.

Aidan if you still have berries number can you let her know when your leaving ballmoreustace
If not pm me for it it someone else this going


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
once again, great craic was had by all. The kids this time were wired, absolutely hyper! They're shutting up shop for the winter soon but Bernie said that when they start up again in the spring, they'd love to have us back. I'll be there :)


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
As already said, it was a great night. We had 2 Beetles and 2 Bays. Weather was shite there and back but it was perfect for the hour that we were bringing the kids around. As Trev said the kids were in great form and so excited to see the old VWs.
On one of the runs around the castle one of the girls asked how old my car was and I said it's nearly 50 yrs old. Wow, that's really old she said so I asked if they knew anyone or anything else that was 50yrs old when instantly one of the other kids, in a droll voice said "you"............that shut me up :D

Bernie gave us all cards made by the kids to say thanks for bringing the cars along in 2013.Their next season of camps starts in March 2014 so hopefully Eircooled can do the same for the kids then as we have done this year.



Club Member
Club Member
January 31, 2010
Fair play coxy coming from Limerick in that weather couldn't have been a nice drive but fair fucks anyway for making the effort. As ya said it was well worth the effort especially for the reaction of the first young lad that rounded the corner!! Gift!! And you were worried about me giving them bad words............I learned a lot from that lad!


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Yeah, he f**ked up my argument to you to stop cursing ;)

Basically, as we waited in front of the castle for the kids to come around the corner we fired up our engines and chatted. I jokingly said FFS Duts, no f**kin cursing in front of the kids. He told me to go f**k myself etc etc. We laughed and heard the kids coming closer so we stood beside our cars looking holy and angelic. Then a boy of about 10 or 11yrs old ran around the corner, saw the cars lined up and with his 2 hands stretched out wide and a huge smile on his face shouted "WHAT THE F**K"............................twice :D


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
best moment of the evening for me was when one of the helpers looked at Duts' beetle and said "come on kids, into the mini" :ROFLMAO: