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Part of an Oval on ebay

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More thoughts...

Brian Rafferty is the treasurer around here, and a more honest man with a beard you will never meet. I reckon ye all just feck your money into the Eircooled bank account and Brian can get a cheque or sterling cash out for Padraig and I. Might be handiest.

that`s fine by me , but i think brian is away to mayo all next week


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
£444 for ferry next Tuesday + £120 for diesel + £2700 for crashed car = €4300 ish

Divide that as ye see fit!!

How is next Tuesday for ye Padraig? Would make a long weekend of it but ye'd notr be doing much drinkin Paddies day!!

I think Barry is collecting it. He has to go to the UK anyway so there's no point in wasting cash having both of you heading over. Also, Barry can get the ferry cheaper as he is just paying for the Transit and not a car & trailer........and he can get over and back for about €50 diesel :cooool:

Can we agree that Barry will collect? I'm trying to save on any excess spend as funds are tight for me at the moment.........even worse now that I have just spent €1k :ROFLMAO:
Barry, can you organise collection with the guy in Manchester to work with your schedule in the UK next week if Padraig is happy with this?

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
Yeah - let Barry collect it if he is over anyways - I didn't realise that.

The dude got back - he wants a bank transfer - I'll email ye the details when ye have something organised.


Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
I think Barry is collecting it. He has to go to the UK anyway so there's no point in wasting cash having both of you heading over. Also, Barry can get the ferry cheaper as he is just paying for the Transit and not a car & trailer........and he can get over and back for about €50 diesel :cooool:

Can we agree that Barry will collect? I'm trying to save on any excess spend as funds are tight for me at the moment.........even worse now that I have just spent €1k :ROFLMAO:
Barry, can you organise collection with the guy in Manchester to work with your schedule in the UK next week if Padraig is happy with this?

Yeah, no problem at all - saves a good bit of hassle to be fair!


Club Member
Club Member
November 5, 2007
up north :)
who got what is a good question . back at the beginning of the thread i stated what i wanted which is the wheels , the beam , the brakes , and the gearbox and engine.

coxy stated he wanted the shell with all the panels , glass , trim , interior dash trim , glove box etc , steering wheel and gear lever .

this didn`t leave a lot to entice another buyer on board so i said i wasn`t fussed on the motor .

padraig stepped in for the motor and seats and door panels and anything else no one thought of

johan gets the pedals and rear lights (if they`re there)

kobat gets the wipers and running boards

what way do we split the collection costs ? it`s unfair to kobat and johan to pay a 5th seen as they only bought some small parts
that leaves the costs to those who bought the car , me , coxy and padraig to split 3 ways then yes ?

hi guys, any chance of the rear view mirror? ;)


i`ve just got a price of 405 euro return from rosslare to pembroke , have to ring the guy to see if he`s a forklift or something to lift the car otherwise we`re gonna need that trailer which will push the price up a fair bit . wonder what it`d cost delivered to pembroke or holyhead then just push it on to the ferry ? only have to pay passenger rate going over and passenger + car coming back
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Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
i`ve just got a price of 405 euro return from rosslare to pembroke , have to ring the guy to see if he`s a forklift or something to lift the car otherwise we`re gonna need that trailer which will push the price up a fair bit . wonder what it`d cost delivered to pembroke or holyhead then just push it on to the ferry ? only have to pay passenger rate going over and passenger + car coming back

I'd say he should surely should have a forklift about the place. Are you planning to put the whole car in a Transit? If that fits thats pretty cool, that'd change the way I'd look at bringing a beetle over from the UK in future.


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
I'd say he should surely should have a forklift about the place. Are you planning to put the whole car in a Transit? If that fits thats pretty cool, that'd change the way I'd look at bringing a beetle over from the UK in future.

How much do transits go for in America? ;)


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Ok guys. This is the state of play. Unfortunately we have been misled as to the condition of the car and the parts. Barry rang a guy in the UK looking for a 4th wheel to complete the set on the oval only to find out that the guy selling the wheel was the last owner of the car. A complete fluke but thank god he made that call.
He was a bit shocked when he heard how much we paid. He said that the car was very badly damaged and that the engine case was cracked, engine lid is scrap, pass door is scrap. Basically, the car is not as described and as such we need to back out of this.
The seller told people that the car was in better condition than it actually is so unfortunately we cannot justify paying £2,700 for something that will not give us value for money. A large portion of the parts we wanted are actually damaged. We were very lucky that Barry happened to ring the previous owner otherwise we all would have been peed off when Barry would return from the UK with scrap!
I have PM'd Ruairi and asked him to ring me as he needs to document on ebay as to why we are justified in pulling out of the sale.
Many clubs/forums have emailed and called the seller to ask the condition of many of the parts and he said everything was in good order. We now know this is not the case.

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
There goes my ebay rating :eek:hhwell:

Just send me on a detailed email of what he said and what the actual facts are. I'll tell him to go and jump - he can always do a second chance offer.


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
Wheels are a deal breaker, if they're scrap you can knock £800 off the value.
Gearbox - £600


There goes my ebay rating :eek:hhwell:

Just send me on a detailed email of what he said and what the actual facts are. I'll tell him to go and jump - he can always do a second chance offer.

i`ve spoken to the seller twice in the last hour and listened to his rants how we`re messing him around , he said he`d give it to the next bidder who inspected the car and bid 2650 , so i asked him was he backing out ? he said no we were so i said we weren`t if the car was as described both in the add and on the phone . i told him what our issues were ie the wheels all being damaged , the engine case being shattered , the gearbox broken , and he back tracked on the carbs saying he`s not sure if they are there now . i told him to take an hour to inspect the car properly then call back with the facts

at worst he`s backing out not us as he says we`re messing around


the add clearly says all engine parts in good condition .... a broken engine case is hardly in good condition


Club Member
Club Member
January 22, 2007
Carrigaline, Co Cork
If we don't take the car, I doubt it goes to the 2nd highest bidder. As that was bidder2 if I recall correctly. I think that person put in the bid we ended up topping at a very early stage of the bidding. I bid £1850 (€2,414.94). If it comes to it, would the car be worth that?


just got a message from justin he knows a guy who`ll check the car out for us tomorrow . can he hold on till then ?
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