Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Part of an Oval on ebay

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Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
Is he trying to imply that bidder2 is PO himself? Buy a car, total it, strip it (devaluate it), claim the money and attempt buy it back :S

It makes no sense as the PO could have bought the car at the same price as the scrapyard if my experience is anything to go by. The insurance co will tell you the car is worth 1200 quid and you can say - sure I'll take back the car instead of the 1200 quid - so that is crap.


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Guys, I asked Paul Knight of Ultra to look into the history of the car and this is his reply. He was going to pass my details to the PO and get him to call but luckily Barry got there first!
Here is his reply:
i'll pass your details/message on, if that's ok with you?

all i know is what he told me on the phone after the smash. apparently it was written off due to a misaligned chassis (due to the wheel smash) and, because there was front and rear end damage, it was deemed not roadworthy, hence he was paid out but unable to buy back the wreck as it was classified as 'spares only' (cat b or above?). i'm surprised you've managed to secure the car, to be honest most cat a/bs are dismantled where they end up (salvage/scrap yard) then crushed. did you get any paperwork as this is usually noted as cat a/b, hence is often unavailable? check your chassis no. as i've heard of some salvage yards destroying the chassis no., then selling spares only cars on as 'projects with no papers'.
best of luck though - it was a very cool little ride, and i'd love to see it straightened out and back out there!


The car or remains are now sold to the second bidder thanks for wasting my time you complete and utter cretins....if you want to see angry show your face at our yard :D

before bidding in future make sure you have the money to complete the deal...oh and actually view the item before backing out of a deal instead of going off a third partys opinion. What one person may see as only fit for the scrap pile another may see as potential show winner :p

on vzi


Guys, I asked Paul Knight of Ultra to look into the history of the car and this is his reply. He was going to pass my details to the PO and get him to call but luckily Barry got there first!
Here is his reply:
i'll pass your details/message on, if that's ok with you?

all i know is what he told me on the phone after the smash. apparently it was written off due to a misaligned chassis (due to the wheel smash) and, because there was front and rear end damage, it was deemed not roadworthy, hence he was paid out but unable to buy back the wreck as it was classified as 'spares only' (cat b or above?). i'm surprised you've managed to secure the car, to be honest most cat a/bs are dismantled where they end up (salvage/scrap yard) then crushed. did you get any paperwork as this is usually noted as cat a/b, hence is often unavailable? check your chassis no. as i've heard of some salvage yards destroying the chassis no., then selling spares only cars on as 'projects with no papers'.
best of luck though - it was a very cool little ride, and i'd love to see it straightened out and back out there!

this explains a lot , was the po bidder two ?

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
Both your replies on this thread are articulate, well thought out and intelligent . . . please stick around ;)

Welcome to VZi :D

Ahhhh - I bask in the glory of my own brilliance. Sir Brian Burrows no less. I'm afraid Eircooled has lost its charm for me. My path is clear, the way has been enlightened for me, my destiny has revealed itself. I'm off to hob nob with real vee dubbers who appreciate a purple helmet, eh van. No more associating with any auld boggers for me. From now on if anyone needs me I'll be found at www.volkszone.com. Please announce yourself before entering.

On a less serious note - check out http://www.volkszone.co.uk/VZi/showthread.php?t=436328 for Coxy's assessment of the situation - that is the funniest thing I've read in ages!!!

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
As much as this situation is amusing me and entertaining me I sometimes feel that Eircooled as club seems to specialise in causing trouble wherever we go :pirate: :doh:

Eh - what the hey!


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Ahhhh - I bask in the glory of my own brilliance. Sir Brian Burrows no less. I'm afraid Eircooled has lost its charm for me. My path is clear, the way has been enlightened for me, my destiny has revealed itself. I'm off to hob nob with real vee dubbers who appreciate a purple helmet, eh van. No more associating with any auld boggers for me. From now on if anyone needs me I'll be found at www.volkszone.com. Please announce yourself before entering.

On a less serious note - check out http://www.volkszone.co.uk/VZi/showthread.php?t=436328 for Coxy's assessment of the situation - that is the funniest thing I've read in ages!!!

Glad you liked it. I was hoping to get a bite from him! Doubt he'll reply as there isn't one reply in his favour.


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
As much as this situation is amusing me and entertaining me I sometimes feel that Eircooled as club seems to specialise in causing trouble wherever we go :pirate: :doh:

Eh - what the hey!

You gots to be good at somethin'.


Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
Just got a chance to read through the thread on VZi. Fair play to ye for defending our honour, it makes good reading! :respect:

Can't imagine where Coxy pulls those pictures out of though...!

Kevin O'Brien

Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2008
Good on yis lads. Glad that we've got intellligent, principled folks like yourselves in our corner (not to mention articulate ;)) The reactions in the thread on VZi are quite telling. With that one post the guy has proved to everyone what an ignorant untrustworthy moron he's turned out to be. Coxy you're a genius, your post had me in stitches!
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