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Part of an Oval on ebay

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Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
£2650 was the next lowest bid according to the seller.....via Barry!

Anyway, time to move on, the other posts are getting lonely and it's time to find out if Ruairi's bid for 20 fax machines was accepted :ROFLMAO:

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
I won one fax machine!!! Phew!!!

Reply from seller.......

Well, as stated yesterday i would not sell you the car anyway now, i have met a few timewasters on e-bay but you are by far the worst. You decided to reject the car on the description given to you by a third party who was already bidding himself on the car !!!
I dont know what forum you are linked to but i would like to find out so i can let the members there know what sort of fools you really are, i have already had several approaches from people who have seen your ramblings on there regarding this item who have offered to buy the remains what does that tell you ??
I will be looking to re-coup my e-bay fees which will be around £60

He sent it through Ebay - so I have the words "Well, as stated yesterday I would not sell you the car anyway now" which proves that A) he was dealing with us by phone, and B) that he is breaking the contract also. So I'm happy. As for the £60 - tough titty baby.

So what will I reply?

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
I think maybe I should refer this case to the club president - after all it was a club purchase

Shuggie - this is you in my mind - :readtherules:


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
I think the main thing to point out is that we were not trying to waste anyone's time. It was only when we queried what was on the car and what was damaged his answer differed from the description. That in itself is timewasting. His vague verbal description post sale is miles away from the written description. Also, parts from the car that were supposed to be included in the sale have appeared on various sites for sale.
When asked about the condition of the beam he said it was perfect (on the phone to Barry) but the PO said it was bent. There was always a different person answering the phone and each person gave a different description.

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
Suggested reply....

Dear Chris,

This car was advertised as having been a £10,000 write-off, however we have proof in writing and pictures that the car was stripped of most of it's valuable accessories and components after the crash. You also informed us the engine was in good condition and it appears now that the main block is cracked. You further informed us that the wheels were in good condition. This appears not to be the case unless you can verify otherwise. Parts of the car that were supposed to be for sale with it have in the last few days appeared on various other websites for sale. Also when you were asked about the condition of the beam you said it was perfect, but the previous owner has assured us it is bent. Is this the case or not?

The advert you placed was misleading. You also informed us by phone yesterday that you would not sell to us anyway before we ever decided not to do the deal. Therefore you pulled out of the agreement. I sent you a reasonable mail suggesting there was no hard feelings and we could both move on. There was no intention by us to waste anyones time.

The forum in question is www.eircooled.com/deforum and you are welcome to register and make your views known like any other member of the public.

If you wish to pursue this matter further then there are enough of us here to hire a solicitor at no great expense to us and we will be happy to do so. I will not be sending you any money. I personally will be happy to instigate legal action if you mark me as a non-payer or give bad feedback on Ebay.

Thank you

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Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Isn't there a report to fill out after a sale fails to go ahead? By filling this out with all of our info then no strike can be made against you. I wouldn't bother mentioning the solicitor at all - let him suggest it if he feels that is the route.
I wouldn't give him access to our site....primarily this thread as he has visibility to what we are saying about this matter.
I think we need to go through the official channels within ebay to sort this out rather than email tennis between an irate seller and us.

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
I can't see a way on ebay for the buyer to do that - I'll look again.

I disagree about the solicitor though - **** him - kick him hard in the ghoulies and then don't reply again. Fight fire with fire. I'll leave out our web address.

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
From Ebay...

If the listing has ended and you’d like to withdraw from the purchase for any reason, you should explain the situation to your seller and ask them to agree to mutual withdrawal from the sale.

If they agree, they can file an Unpaid Item Dispute and state that you both agreed to withdraw from the sale. They’ll then receive a credit for the fees they were charged when you won the item. In addition, as long as they state you both agreed to withdraw from the sale, and you confirm this when asked by eBay, you won't get an Unpaid Item Strike against your account.

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
How about this....

Dear Chris,

This car was advertised as having been a £10,000 write-off, however we have proof in writing and pictures that the car was stripped of most of it's valuable accessories and components after the crash. You also informed us the engine was in good condition and it appears now that the main block is cracked. You further informed us that the wheels were in good condition. This appears not to be the case unless you can verify otherwise. Parts of the car that were supposed to be for sale with it have in the last few days appeared on various other websites for sale. Also when you were asked about the condition of the beam you said it was perfect, but the previous owner has assured us it is bent. Is this the case or not?

The advert you placed was misleading. You also informed us by phone yesterday that you would not sell to us anyway before we ever decided not to do the deal. Therefore you pulled out of the agreement. I sent you a reasonable mail suggesting there was no hard feelings and we could both move on. There was no intention by us to waste anyones time.

If you open an unpaid items dispute then E-bay will refund your fees in full.

I do not wish to have any further discussion on this matter.

Thank you


Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
No f-ck it - I'm still putting in a line about legal action if he causes a strike against my account.
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