I'll have the camper with me if you want to borrow it for a while, just make sure you clean up afterwards!
I hate when people eat birthday-cake and leave crumbs all over the place ....
The Fluffer must be coming! :lol:
Less of the sexual references please Mr. Lawlor:redcard:
my intention is to be there, but my bug is in getting some minor work done, have been promised it will be ready last monday, thats been pushed out till this weekend, so hopefully will be ready in time. dont fancy attending in the ford focus....fingers crossed!!
I gave it to Liam at the Brekkie Roll to give to you :blink:
And the great thing is that it doesn't matter if its cold while were standin around coz we'll be gettin our hoodies. Will we do a list outta curiosity? I'll start it.
1. Banaltra (Alice)
2. VWBeetle1500 (Michael)
3. Coxy (Cathal)