Today the engine came out the floor was split from the pan , in readiness for an IRS conversion .[/QUOTE
cool stuff Dave do you have all IRS parts ?
Today the engine came out the floor was split from the pan , in readiness for an IRS conversion .[/QUOTE
cool stuff Dave do you have all IRS parts ?
funny enough john i havent lol . i need a good set of diagonal arms with backing plates and hubs . when your ready john.
You'd better get stuck in Dave I want to see it run again next Bishops Court races!
no bother dave i have a fastback here will pull the rear end out as soon as i get timefunny enough john i havent lol . i need a good set of diagonal arms with backing plates and hubs . when your ready john.
no bother dave i have a fastback here will pull the rear end out as soon as i get time
hi john .
britt has just put a set of rust free arms in the next container for me . so no need to attack the fasty..
hi john .
britt has just put a set of rust free arms in the next container for me . so no need to attack the fasty..
no bother dave