Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Jumpstart 2015


Club Member
Club Member
December 15, 2012
Castlederg. NW
Hi all,

67 Java Bug didn't miss a beat, just over 4 hours and back to Castlederg, the sun even came out an hour into the journey northwards! Twas great getting down and enjoyed meeting a good few of yas and soaking up the diversity of cars, hard to take it all in. Loved the two karmann ghias, the two samba splitties and the lovely Oz bus in sand green/palm green - beautiful. And great to see so many wee beetles out. When I thought the place was full to capacity then a 50 split window vert arrives - incredible. A big thanks to Cathal and all who organised the show and to the Cottage Café Loughmore hospitality. Even introduced by DUts to some fella apparently Mayor of Loughmore or standing for Mayor.


Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2008
North Wexford






Club Member
Club Member
September 10, 2007
Great turnout despite the weather 400 miles on the button door to door today, well done all involved and great to catch up with loads of folk. trade descriptions act needs to be enforced on the tea rooms " breakfast muffins" i had my suspicions when a side salad is part of the dish, Tommy Whites face when his Duo of muffins came out was priceless!!!!!LOL!!


Club Member
Club Member
December 15, 2012
Castlederg. NW
Aye Ben good to meet you too, all the way from Portydown!

Aye that's the very fella Duts introduced to me as the Mayor, when I politely greeting him with his Mayoral title he told me to feck off!! He gets my vote!


Club Member
Club Member
January 12, 2007
Marino, Dublin
That was a great day and well done to the crew who organised it and of course the Mayor for allowing us the use of his town.
It was a pity about the weather(Sun is shining as I am typing this,typical).Using the event to raise some money for a very worthy charity added to the day.
I even won a €50 voucher which was used on the way home.


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Hi all,

67 Java Bug didn't miss a beat, just over 4 hours and back to Castlederg, the sun even came out an hour into the journey northwards! Twas great getting down and enjoyed meeting a good few of yas and soaking up the diversity of cars, hard to take it all in. Loved the two karmann ghias, the two samba splitties and the lovely Oz bus in sand green/palm green - beautiful. And great to see so many wee beetles out. When I thought the place was full to capacity then a 50 split window vert arrives - incredible. A big thanks to Cathal and all who organised the show and to the Cottage Café Loughmore hospitality. Even introduced by DUts to some fella apparently Mayor of Loughmore or standing for Mayor.

It was great to finally meet you Pete and delighted your Beetle had a trouble free run there and back. I really appreciate you making the effort to make it to Jumpstart 2015 especially as you had a very early start and a long drive both ways so to acknowledge your journey, you and your Java Green '67 won the WayneMac Choice award for the furthest travelled in a VW (y)

I hope we'll get to see you down this neck of the woods again very soon.

As for Lord Mayor Beag of Loughmore, what can we say...............

Send me a PM with your address and I'll get the trophy to you this week.


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
aaah Jumpstart 2015, the cars, the village, the people, the smiling faces, the chat, the wheeling and dealing, the horse trading, the umbrellas, the sun glasses, the pints the night before, the mayor, the minions, the charity, the good will, the feelgood factor, the antics, the prizes, the prizewinners, the raffle, the cups of coffee, the traders, the club spirit, what a great day out!

I thought, "how best to capture all this in photographs?" so I snuck off at an opportune moment to take a few snaps that would encapsulate the atmosphere and preserve it for posterity.

Here are the results. I hope you enjoy...