Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Jumpstart 2015


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois












you're welcome...


Club Member
Club Member
December 15, 2012
Castlederg. NW
thanks very much and to Wayne for the prize. Twas a great day and I loved the challenge of the roadtrip. loved every mile. Thanks again.



Club Member
Club Member
February 26, 2008
Fantastic day on Saturday in Loughmore, and great craic in the pub Friday night. Thanks lads for all your hard work in organising a fantastic event.


Club Member
Club Member
September 2, 2008
Would just like to say thanks to you all too for a brilliant event.great to meet so many of you,and an amazing variety of machines there.
i was stunned by the '50 beetle convertible,and beautiful green split-screen,ant the crazy two stroke mini-van! and so much other stuff.
Loughmore was a beautiful place for it too-so different to a car park!thanks a mil!-


Club Member
Club Member
April 21, 2010
well done all involved was a good day out even if i was dying from too many lovely pints
on the friday ..and i got a spotprize
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Club Member
Club Member
July 16, 2009
Hi all,

67 Java Bug didn't miss a beat, just over 4 hours and back to Castlederg, the sun even came out an hour into the journey northwards! Twas great getting down and enjoyed meeting a good few of yas and soaking up the diversity of cars, hard to take it all in. Loved the two karmann ghias, the two samba splitties and the lovely Oz bus in sand green/palm green - beautiful. And great to see so many wee beetles out. When I thought the place was full to capacity then a 50 split window vert arrives - incredible. A big thanks to Cathal and all who organised the show and to the Cottage Café Loughmore hospitality. Even introduced by DUts to some fella apparently Mayor of Loughmore or standing for Mayor.

Very nice to meet you Pete, and great to hear your car did the journey without missing a beat...


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Well, it's all over for another year!!!!!!

This year we offered camping for those looking to come down on the Friday night and it was a great success and is a definite for next year.
The Cottage said they were up on last year's takings and thanks to their planning which involved setting up a gazebo outside with seating as well as a 'to-go' station outside The Cottage beside the registration point, it felt more roomy as it took the pressure off the seating area inside and it all moved along really well. They even got in on the fun with a special menu.....

When I got there on Friday the weather was fantastic.......

and even early on Saturday morning it was nice and dry.......

.............but it was VERY quiet outside the pub for some reason.....

Sadly though, by the time we were getting ready to get things underway baby jesus decided he didn't like Duts or Gritz (and we can see why) and the rain started. In fact, it was cold too. As good as the Mayor of Loughmore is, Beag can't book sunshine so we took what we were given.

Despite all that, the VWs kept arriving, slowly at first but they kept coming, although with people staying for a shorter period the line-up seemed to change all day! We had a registration system in place and when Liam checked it, he couldn't believe that despite the poor weather, we had 26 more VWs than last year so the final tally was 132 VWs, making Loughmore the only aircooled filled village in Ireland but more importantly, Jumpstart is still Ireland's largest Aircooled only event (y)

Irish TV were also on hand to capture the day.......

......and they were lucky enough to get an audience with our leader............well, yer man who signs the cheques anyway :p

None of this would be possible without everyone doing their bit so if possible, I will thank everyone and hopefully not forget anyone.

For the raffle, Mikey Lawless sorted us with some excellent prizes such as tickets to music gigs like Christy Moore and Status Quo while Stakelums Hardware in Thurles sponsored a 7" tablet. CM Signs bought a Retro Radio for the raffle also.

CM Signs sponsored Jumpstart again this year and without that injection of cash, it wouldn't get off the ground at all.

Paul Twibill (Stump) very generously offered to print the Jumpstart mugs FOC which meant that all of the monies raised from their sale went straight to TLC4CF (y)

- BTW, Paul has recently launched a new venture called http://cal-lookclothing.com/ and was trading on the day so if you were there you would have seen some of his range which is very high quality. He may only have one eye but that's the eye for style and quality so if you're thinking of buying t-shirts or ordering mugs, please give Paul your support.
Paul was also responsible for the Best of Show award......

Kev (Rez) was there bright and breezy, especially after the night before and set up his DJ Bus and was on duty all day giving Jumpstart its own soundtrack so thanks for that Kev.

Justin organised the posters as usual and was photographer for the day. Have a look here and you'll see just how good he is........the man has talent! http://www.carbsandchrome.com/shows/jumpstart-2015/

Jon White of VW Spares fame donated 2x €25 vouchers, a crockery set and a cutlery set and he also traded on the day too.

Caroline Cowen also traded so thanks to all who got up early and set up their stalls. I hope it was a profitable day for you all.

Liam (69Bug) managed to blag some amazing goodie bag fillers including hats, engine oil, keyrings, Topaz vouchers, pens etc which you may have seen in your goodie bags.

WayneMac commissioned and presented us with two beautiful glass trophies for Jumpstart that I am sure the winners will treasure for many years.

CM Signs not only sponsored Jumpstart but they also made the directional signs (how's yours looking Paul? :p) but they also made the Jumpstart event stickers, printed the raffle tickets and registration forms. They even let me use power tools when we were hanging the signs on Friday night :D

Jack and Rachel Cullen were a fantastic help in putting together the goodie bags on Friday night (y)

This year, none of us were involved with the registration on the day as this was now handled by Gritz's wife Lynn and Beag's wife Kathryn as well as Graham's son Jack. You could not have asked for better people to welcome you to Jumpstart so thanks for giving up your Saturday. They also sold tickets for the raffle too (y)

...........and all while taking turns to babysit Liam (69Bug) and that's not an easy task!!!!!!

Trev raised money for TLC4CF with his rather clever idea of an honesty box at a magazine stall he set up to sell his own collection of VW magazines...................and Slimming World????

And then there is Duts. What can be said that hasn't already been cursed about this guy? Well done on being Jumpstart's Debbie McGee in looking after the prizes and prize winners!

So to everyone involved and to all those that supported Jumpstart in any way, I say a huge thanks and here's to 2016 (y)

As you know, this year was all about raising money for TLC4CF so I will let Gritz fill you in on what was raised once the final tally is done but it's somewhere in the region of €2,300 with more donations to be confirmed and received but it's looking like we may be just shy of €3,000

If you were not able to attend and would like to donate to this wonderful and life changing charity please do so. Go to www.tlc4cf.com you can donate through the TLC4CF mycharity page , type "JUMPSTART" in the message section just for reference to the event or you can also donate through the TLC4CF paypal page

Thanks again
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