Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Agm 2016


Club Member
Club Member
January 12, 2007
Marino, Dublin
Annual General Meeting held at Hodson Bay Hotel on 2nd January 2016 at 3.00.

This year the format of the meeting/lunch/overnight was changed. Lunch was first followed by the meeting. This arrangement was to allow members who overnighted to get home at a reasonable time on Sunday. Mind you it also meant that heads were a little clearer at the meeting.This change caused some confusion as some members were still on Sunday time for meeting.
I believe the same format will be used next year.

A ten year commemorative badge was proposed last year and is currently being designed but a delivery date is not yet known.

A phone App is being developed and Graham (Beag) is taking care of this. The cost so far for this work is €819.10.
This app is to make it as easy as Facebook to upload a photo or anything of interest.There was the usual discussion regarding The Eircooled Facebook page and it was agreed that it is up to all members to support the forum. The Facebook page will be removed.

Membership list is still a mess.It is on Microsoft Access and Trev has volunteered to sort it out. We wish him better luck than the last volunteer.Usually we have about 120 paid up members. It was noted that anyone who joins to avail of the club organised insurance must maintain their membership.It is a condition of the policy and it is possible that the insurer can check with Eircooled as to whether a person is still a member. What a way to find out that you really are not insured.

There was a lot of discussion about monthly meetings or rather their demise.The Dublin meeting no longer happens.Apparently there is a meeting in Wicklow but it is not posted on the site. N17 meetings will resume in February.Details will be posted by Brian.Kildare meetins are supported but are possibly moving to Portlaoise.Limerick meetings still happen. In general it was felt any member should just pick a spot,a time and post it.The theme of cars and coffee was mentioned. If people turn up great,if they don't then nothing has changed.A meet with a run on a weekend similiar to the Limerick one of a year or two ago was felt to be a good idea.

Eircooled will attend the following shows as Eircooled.
Jumpstart April 23th Limerick Terenure Martin Murray's Drag Day is scheduled for weekend 13/14 August.Not yet decided whether it will be a one or two day event. As the gazebo is dead it was agreed to buy another.While there a discussion about buying that eircooled printed on it,it was decided to go with the unprinted one. A couple of flagpoles and flags will be also bought.

Club merchandise was discussed and various sources of supply were mentioned. There was discussion as to whether it was possible to buy online from a supplier who would have the Club Logo ready to embroider.It was agreed that Mikey will check out how we should do this.He will then let us know how it will work. Good luck to Mikey.

There was some discussion regarding NBOC and their wish to have a joint event between us. I met Pete67 last year when I attended their show Bugs at the Breweryand my impression is that he is one of the good guys.It was really well organised and I got fed as well. A few of us should try to attend this year.They are also planning a trip to the new Bug movie.It is in an outdoor cinema in Donard and they are trying to arrange to have space set aside for a VW's. Sounds like a good idea. No doubt Pete67 will keep us informed but would need a definite numbers to get it organised.

The Eircooled name is registered with Companies Registration Office.This means that the name cannot be used by any person or company.

Mick Lennon was elected as the new Chairman.Brian and David remain as officers of the club.

These are the minutes as best as I could write them.If I made any glaring mistakes or omissions then post your displeasure and I will edit..
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Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
I think we need to mention that Trev celebrated another milestone birthday at the AGM :drinkbeer::drinking::tease::dizzy:

And of course, thanks to Mikey for 'baking' the cake:thanks:



Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Mick Lennon was elected as the new Chairman.Brian and David remain as officers of the club.

As Liam (Rascal1) said, Mick Lennon (Shifty) is now our new leader and must be obeyed at all times.......well, that's what he said late last night when he screamed at his bitches (us) to go to the bar and get him more booze!

Thanks must go out to Liam for all his help and commitment to Eircooled and I believe the farm you're being sent to is really nice and you'll be able to run and play in the fields all day :p

Oh yeah, Raftery and that Cole fella are still there but rumour has it that our eminent leader is looking at replacing them with hookers & strippers.......although Brian and Dave can apply for these roles :D


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
I think we need to mention that Trev celebrated another milestone birthday at the AGM :drinkbeer::drinking::tease::dizzy:

ah it's OK, I got mikey back with half a bottle of vinegar in his pint. He never even noticed...


AKA Deckie
November 21, 2006
Ballytoooooole .............
There was other greatness today

Amazingly after been woken by a maid.. at 11am
Wabbling down stairs for the brekky
Then on the way home i forgot to leave the motorway at my exit..

After that start
I did manage to put that funny round thing that Brian want to play football with into my car...

Heres to 2016 and fixing shit on cars


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
There was other greatness today

Amazingly after been woken by a maid.. at 11am
Wabbling down stairs for the brekky
Then on the way home i forgot to leave the motorway at my exit..

After that start
I did manage to put that funny round thing that Brian want to play football with into my car...

Heres to 2016 and fixing my shit cars

Fixed that for ya Deckie (y)