Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Summer Cruise


Club Member
Club Member
July 16, 2009
Sounds good Beag.

You're very kind to offer to organise this for everyone and I'll happily accept your offer.

:confused:..........I was only trying to help Coxy by offering up a date
that didn't seem to clash with another show in mid to late May
as you suggested.
I'm sorry if I stepped on your toes...............:verysad:.
If you've another date in mind for this show please feel free to put it forward.


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
No toes were stepped on the making of this or any posts so no need to worry Beag ;) ......And anyway, apart from the fact that you'd be fab at putting this together, you're right in what you said at the weekend, other people do need their turn to run an event so 3 cheers to Beag for volunteering (y)

On the upside, you have Duts & Rez on the organising committee who will no doubt jump at the chance of helping you out :p


Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2008
North Wexford
Thanks Beag, very sound of you, looking forward to seeing what you put on for us on the day.

Ya, fair play to beag for taking this on.
No need for goodie bag Graham, just run off a few T-shirts and commemorative stickers and we'll turn up to support you.


Club Member
Club Member
July 16, 2009
Well sure here ya go, Below all put together by myself with no help.........:D

Meet up at Pa McGraths pub on the limerick/Tipp & Waterford Rd at 12 noon Sunday 11th May, grab a soup & sambo inside before heading to the Vee and then onto Lismore.

Pa McGrath's Pub is a great spot and easy to get to. The food is nice and it makes for a super backdrop to any photos so should make a super starting point.

The Vee is just beautiful and is a real drivers road. If you've been there you'll want to go back and if you've never been there you have to drive it at least once. Lots of car clubs and bike riders head up the Vee for a blast.

Lismore is a gorgeous town to stop all the cars in and I'm sure we can find a nice place to stuff our faces before heading home.

No Goodie Bags, prizes, stickers, t-shirts etc.


Club Member
Club Member
January 10, 2008
Well sure here ya go, Below all put together by myself with no help.........:D

Meet up at Pa McGraths pub on the limerick/Tipp & Waterford Rd at 12 noon Sunday 11th May, grab a soup & sambo inside before heading to the Vee and then onto Lismore.

Pa McGrath's Pub is a great spot and easy to get to. The food is nice and it makes for a super backdrop to any photos so should make a super starting point.

The Vee is just beautiful and is a real drivers road. If you've been there you'll want to go back and if you've never been there you have to drive it at least once. Lots of car clubs and bike riders head up the Vee for a blast.

Lismore is a gorgeous town to stop all the cars in and I'm sure we can find a nice place to stuff our faces before heading home.

No Goodie Bags, prizes, stickers, t-shirts etc.

Well done Beag... looking forward to this now


Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
Well sure here ya go, Below all put together by myself with no help.........:D

Meet up at Pa McGraths pub on the limerick/Tipp & Waterford Rd at 12 noon Sunday 11th May, grab a soup & sambo inside before heading to the Vee and then onto Lismore.

Pa McGrath's Pub is a great spot and easy to get to. The food is nice and it makes for a super backdrop to any photos so should make a super starting point.

The Vee is just beautiful and is a real drivers road. If you've been there you'll want to go back and if you've never been there you have to drive it at least once. Lots of car clubs and bike riders head up the Vee for a blast.

Lismore is a gorgeous town to stop all the cars in and I'm sure we can find a nice place to stuff our faces before heading home.

No Goodie Bags, prizes, stickers, t-shirts etc.

Looks shite, I prefer Coxy's version


Club Member
Club Member
June 2, 2009
cork city
i know the posts so far are supposed to be hummors funnny and a slag but could we be serious for a moment and put a diffenet date on this cruise as its holiday time etc


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Right so. Donal & Teresa and Rez were asking me last night at the Limerick meeting if this was going ahead as their mates were looking forward to getting out for a cruise 'of a Sunday!'. Having spoken to cruise organiser Beag this morning, I can confirm that ..............

IS going ahead next Sunday May 11th.

Meet up at Pa McGraths pub on the limerick/Tipp & Waterford Rd at 12:30pm, grab a soup & sambo inside before heading to the Vee and then onto Lismore.

Pa McGrath's Pub is a great spot and easy to get to. The food is nice and it makes for a super backdrop to any photos so should make a super starting point.

The Vee is just beautiful and is a real drivers road. If you've been there you'll want to go back and if you've never been there you have to drive it at least once. Lots of car clubs and bike riders head up the Vee for a blast.

Lismore is a gorgeous town to stop all the cars in. I haven't confirmed anywhere to stop for grub yet but I'm sure we can find a nice place to stuff our faces before heading home.

As this is the first organised cruise, it'll be interesting to see the reaction. If people like this kind of Sunday run we may look at doing something official later in the summer.

Please forward all comments, complaints & if by some chance there are compliments to Mr. Beag by post only. Duts will ensure these get to Mr. Beag's house without delay.......:blink: