Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Request from BARRETSTOWN


Club Member
Club Member
March 11, 2007
Wait a second...this is just dawning on me now! Tim, you were the chap in the T25 and John you were in the white Bay? Somebody else asked me who you were and I wasn't sure! :) Funny how you read a persons postings for years and don't recognise the guy when he's standing beside you! lol Next time I'll know who you are! ;)

Ps: did I see you guys donating a load of VW toys to the centre? Fair play! (y)

And you didn,t know who we were..........................dont feel too bad, I hadn,t a clue who anybody was only Stump;).

Some one else introduced them selves to me, and I said I,m Tim.........oh, your Tim he said;)

Yeah we did donate a load of VW toys and books and stuff. They will put a smile on someones face. And we have arranged to gather up more as well.............so its all good. We were on a round about trip from Wicklow town that day, and it was a great end to the day as well.
Hope you guys wear name tags the next day, as I couldn,t pick out the camper kids from the Eircooled kids:lol:


Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
And you didn,t know who we were..........................dont feel too bad, I hadn,t a clue who anybody was only Stump;).

Some one else introduced them selves to me, and I said I,m Tim.........oh, your Tim he said;)

Yeah we did donate a load of VW toys and books and stuff. They will put a smile on someones face. And we have arranged to gather up more as well.............so its all good. We were on a round about trip from Wicklow town that day, and it was a great end to the day as well.
Hope you guys wear name tags the next day, as I couldn,t pick out the camper kids from the Eircooled kids:lol:

Good to meet you Tim, I thought I was chatting to Ned though...;)


Club Member
Club Member
September 3, 2009
Wait a second...this is just dawning on me now! Tim, you were the chap in the T25 and John you were in the white Bay? Somebody else asked me who you were and I wasn't sure! :) Funny how you read a persons postings for years and don't recognise the guy when he's standing beside you! lol Next time I'll know who you are! ;)

Ps: did I see you guys donating a load of VW toys to the centre? Fair play! (y)

Hi knk,

It was my first time to go on a eircooled club outing, so everyone I met was for the first time.

I've met stump recently (bought some parts from him), but thats it.

I still don't know who you are !!! Could you tell me which vw you came in. I could then know who I was talking too!!!

If of course the next outing is on the 18 of August at Barrettstown, and if you plan going, we'll have an ol' chat.

You are dead right.......................I came in the 74 1600 bay.

Guys I chatted to briefly included,

1 the guy with the 356. Don't know his name.
2 wackerwacker with the T25 diesel. Forgot his first name.
3 green and white bay. Don't know his name.
4 alan fitz. 77 bay. Don't know his name.
5 blue and white bay. I think his name is Brian.
6 stump. Pete.

Thats the lot really, but if I've forgotten anyone, forgive me, we were driving since 9.00am that morning in our campers,

over the wicklow mountains from Tullamore.

A long day behind the wheel, but the evenings event was fabulous!!!

John.= murfman53 = Tullamore.


Club Member
Club Member
March 7, 2012
Lads it's great to see this type of event happening. It's nice to see that Coxy is using my split tie for good causes like this. Pretty sickened I wasn't there to be part of it though. Hopefully I'll be able to ship her over to me but until then Coxy is her rightful babysitter. Pitty about the oil leak tho. Nothing that can't be fixed.


Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
Guys I chatted to briefly included,

1 the guy with the 356. Don't know his name. Kvinyl (Padraig)
2 wackerwacker with the T25 diesel. Forgot his first name. Ed
3 green and white bay. Don't know his name. Alan Fitz
4 alan fitz. 77 bay. Don't know his name. Alan Fitz(!)
5 blue and white bay. I think his name is Brian. Rascal (Liam)
6 stump. Pete. Paul

John.= murfman53 = Tullamore.

Good to chat to you too John:D


Club Member
Club Member
September 3, 2009
Good to chat to you too John:D

Hi kvinyl,

Thanks a million for putting on the straight and narrow regarding the guys names.

Can be alittle awkward talking to someone and not knowing their name.

Now I know who you are. Grand.

Again, thanks alot.



Club Member
Club Member
September 3, 2009
I was in the white ragtop oval John. Next time I'll come over and have a chat!

John = KnK = Clondalkin ;)

Hi knk,

Now I remember you John.

Actually we didn't get to have a chat on that day, but looking forward to meeting you on the next outing.

Nothing better than an ol' chin wag, keeps the ol' brain cells ticking over.

We both have something in common straight away...................Born with a good name JOHN!!!

Chat you then John.



Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Lads it's great to see this type of event happening. It's nice to see that Coxy is using my split tie for good causes like this. Pretty sickened I wasn't there to be part of it though. Hopefully I'll be able to ship her over to me but until then Coxy is her rightful babysitter. Pitty about the oil leak tho. Nothing that can't be fixed.

Correct! Yes, it can be fixed and it is fixed already.

Beag and myself went to collect it on Saturday and he hauled it home with his van.

Ha Ha, he got overtaken by a caravan :p


AKA Deckie
November 21, 2006
Ballytoooooole .............
Got this email a few mins ago

Hi Declan,*

I hope you are keeping well. I am not sure if I thanked you properly for coming down two weeks ago. The staff are still talking about it and campers who were here this week and seen the picture on Facebook were asking if you were going to be here for their camp.*We hope you all enjoyed the evening. If you were interested in doing it again we can definitely arrange it for next year. We also have a free date this August the 16th*which is a Friday evening. It would be the same idea as last time, you arrive at about 7pm and we drop the kids to the disco.*There is no pressure at all about the 16th*but I just wanted to give it out as everyone seemed to have had a good evening.*I hope you’re making the most of all the lovely weather and I look forward to hearing from you soon.*
Best wishes,