what a fantastic day out! And the night before too

I was delighted that the Special Edition Beetle display turned out well and that everyone who committed to bringing their Special Edition Beetle was able to make it. By the end of the day we had no less than 11x Power Pack Beetles, 3x GT Beetles, 1x Jeans Beetle, 1x Last Edition Beetle and 1x Anniversary Beetle. While all were welcome and I was really grateful that they could make it, the line up of all the Tomato Red (orange to everyone else!!) Power Pack Beetles and the GTs was really impressive.
I only took a few pics, what with all the buzzing around, chatting with folks etc but here they are.
The Power Packs & orange GTs:
The Anniversary:
The Last Edition and yellow GT:
The Jeans:
Raftery pretending he knows what he's doing. He was actually trying to change a fuse...
Coxy did a brisk trade in the "Free Candy" bus:
I hadn't seen Keith nor the Eco bus since Jumpstart 2016. The bus is wearing its patina beautifully. Keith on the other hand.....
and then the last few I took as cars rolled out and headed for home:
and that's it