I know Jacksons - lovely place.
cool have you been there before, its my brother and his wife that have it... she is the head chef and he is the manager. hope everything goes well, they are looking forward to meeting all the bug people.
I know Jacksons - lovely place.
Hey Mary,
Just took a look at Jacksons and they even state they will take care of Coelacs! Excellent my wife will b e thrilled!
I'm hoping to make it there, so throw my name in as a possible attendee
I'm hoping to make it there, so throw my name in as a possible attendee
Will everyone who has had parts sent to my house please pm me so I know what to bring to the AGM.
I know about Coxy, and RossMC's parts but have 2 others who i'm confused as to who they belong to. Brian/Gritz I think one may be yours.
You've the tough decision as to which one of your fleet you'll take eh ?![]()
believe it or not,i wont have a bug there,
if i go it will be either the work van,lynn's passat or if I can twist Liams arm, he'll drive the beemer and i can sit back![]()
Discussing: Events 2009, Finances (Brian), Elect or re-elect chairman, Membership (Ger), Website (Deckie), Promotion, AOB. If anyone wants to volunteer to chair the AGM pleased do. Your job will be to cover as much as possible as quickly as possible and then bring accurate minutes back to the Boardroom later on in January.
Tell Liam to drive the Beetle!.....might be a bit harder for you to sit back in it but thems the breaks![]()