22.4% green
47.8% blue
Here so...#0070f0
43.9% green and 94.1% blue
22.4% green
I'd prefer to see an actual club car there in the banner though, any model... and without the daft 131 plate.
same here tooHi,
Not sure if its just me but I'm getting terrible pop up for gambling sites and pages are crashing with a web page not found 404 warning. This would be in the middle of scrolling on the page????
I'm STILL seeing that filestore redirect when clicking in from a Google search.
one other thing I've noticed. Up the top, when you had a PM, the "Notifications" button used to be blue and stand out against the background and be immediately obvious when you logged in.
Whatever colour it is now, it doesn't stand out against the black background it's on and isn't as obvious leading to valuable minutes lost while someone is standing by waiting for a life-or-death reply to a PM. You know what I mean...