Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

May 3rd, 4th 2008 :: Strandhill Camping Weekend



Dear all - am hoping to make this our first trip since joining, so excuse us for being total noobs - we have an old 1970 T2 and this is her first run out, so I hope she makes it... we are intending to come over from Bangor, Co.Down on Sat morning, or on a very outside chance, tonight... there are four of us, Myself (Clive) Katherine, Oli (4) and Popi (2). Will have van and awning, no electric hook up yet, this is a basic 'try out'... hope to see you all later


Dear All, had terminal gear box failure last night as we were leaving home, will not make it now, hope to catch you later... have a good weekend


AKA Deckie
November 21, 2006
Ballytoooooole .............
I was down for last night
There was about 10 people
1 Karmin ghia
i Puk (caravan)
1 GT Beetle
1 Splitty and matching caravan
1 Oval
a T25
and a T2
There was ment to be a second T25 but it calved on the lucan bypass
The weather was shit
Rain cold This morning my tent nearly got blown away with me asleep in it. (Thanks Eamonn for saving it)

Dazza and co arrived in the morning in the green shrek van

Sorry I didn't take the camera out :(
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Comrade Secretary General
Club Member
October 27, 2006
Strandhill turmed out to be a success albeit with a slow start with some new faces

12 units camped - the weather during the day was great but got stormy at night

On saturday we travelled to Forencecourt in Co Fermanagh to the Marble Arch caves where we had little boat ride in the cave system and saw some big stalagtights and stalagmites.

The cafe there was to akin to the icecream vendor in Berlin - there was a load of chips in the display cabinet and we were waiting to be served for a few minutes and suddenly the young waitness removed the tray of chips and asked us what we wanted, all all ordered **** and chips to be told that chips were "off" at 2.30pm - when questioned she said she did not make the rules. It was now 2.31pm - we arrived at the counter at 2.27pm

The caves were great and well worth the trip.

On Sunday we went to Lissadell House in the basking sunshine.

Stephen and family from Newtownards called in on Sunday in their newly acquired Westy T25 having heard about the event on Rule 6.



Comrade Secretary General
Club Member
October 27, 2006
another thing - at least three vans broke down in transit - vans are like humans they need warm up after along winter lie up.


Club Member
Club Member
October 25, 2006
I got a couple of pics so I'll put them up this evening when I get home from work. The meet was good craic but Im surprised there wasn't more people there, and that many of the people headed off on Sunday.


Club Member
Club Member
May 27, 2007
Lappie safely returned home to Scruffy at even more moderate velocities than Deckies Oval. T'was a grand weekend. Don't forget about Oxo.