Cheers Coxy, knew you would approve, and Justin probably too! Pity I left the plank of wood stucking out underneath! Brought them to get in coz last year I bet the muffler! This year they has levelled the entrance with fresh gravel!
The amount of people asking if it was on air!!! I even got asked if I trailered it to the show!! Fook no I drove it there flat out at 80-90!!
It is a lil low at the back now, I had raised it on the adjusters but after going to Castlewellan on the saturday it settled and dropped more! - I left it low for the day!
Wheels are MWS and for the money they're good!! I dont care what people say about them plus theyve been improved for 09! I wanted radars but they wont have any for a month! I still think I prefer radars! Fuchs transform the look of the car, lift the couler and brighten the chrome trim! The looks and comments it gets now..............
Riggsi was there in the Notch, good to se another properly panned car!