Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Formular Vee Festival held at mondello park on 21st and 22nd july


Club Member
Club Member
November 22, 2006
I was hoping Eilish would drive the T4 (accomodation) down and I'd take the Oval but she's got something on on the Sunday do can't make it, I could just come on Sunday but would rather stay over, I have to figure out how to get both the van an the bug there Lol, no trailer and I can't a-frame the oval as its too low.


Club Member
Club Member
August 21, 2011
just an update the website has now been updated with more info also an eircooled tab has been added and a nice article thanks to coxy, this will also be in the festival program so all who buy it will see this article promoting eircooled.

ps the programs are €5 all of which goes to barretstown so anyone going please support.

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Club Member
Club Member
September 10, 2007
I was hoping Eilish would drive the T4 (accomodation) down and I'd take the Oval but she's got something on on the Sunday do can't make it, I could just come on Sunday but would rather stay over, I have to figure out how to get both the van an the bug there Lol, no trailer and I can't a-frame the oval as its too low.

56oval thinks this is gay.


Club Member
Club Member
September 10, 2007
i spent the afternoon on the car, dropped the traction bar put the magnaflow back on, adjusted the handbrake cables lol, they were stretched to fuck from preloading the gearbox racing.
Took her for a spin round the block, i sure dont miss that stinger it sounds fookin horrible lol.

All ready to rock and roll for the weekend, actually really looking foreward to tootling down in the bug and not the work shitter.


i spent the afternoon on the car, dropped the traction bar put the magnaflow back on, adjusted the handbrake cables lol, they were stretched to fuck from preloading the gearbox racing.
Took her for a spin round the block, i sure dont miss that stinger it sounds fookin horrible lol.

All ready to rock and roll for the weekend, actually really looking foreward to tootling down in the bug and not the work shitter.

good opportunity for a little post toll booth drag racing ;)


AKA Deckie
November 21, 2006
Ballytoooooole .............
Thinking of bringing a few sets of wheels for sale.

4 * OG sprintstars. Could do with a clean and paint.
4 * empi 8's with good tyres.
4 * OG wheels with snow tyres

Any interest?
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Super Super Super
November 9, 2006


Club Member
Club Member
October 20, 2010
well,we dont spell norge,sverige or danmark for them.
and if neds watching...i dunno why they call saturday the lords day


Club Member
Club Member
August 21, 2011
Hi all just an update what lorcan saw today was testing as there is a track day tomorrow,

Here is the paddock plan the allocated area for eircooled is to the left, there is testing on saturday morning but paddock access is possible between test sessions. At lunchtime the gates will be opened to let cars and buses across.
When you get to mondello head for gate 4 once through the gate turn left and this will bring you up to the paddock gate the track staff will arrange crossing once through head left where there is allocated parking. For all those coming down be patient getting across as the is a race track and time between races can be a little tight so you might have to wait 15-20 mins to get across. Those who are coming down saturday and staying over there is power and water you will need a lead to hook up but its all available, from around 7.30 the bbq will be kicking off at the bar and the charity auction about an hour or so later with the bar open till late.
Im not sure how many cars and vans are coming down on sunday so we are still trying to decide the size of the allocated area but we will have to cross that bridge when we get to it. We have 4500 tickets for the event in circulation and the weather forecast is looking good for the weekend so crowds should be good also there is newspaper stories and ads in 10 local papers and 2 national papers this week to try and promote the event. Entry is free to all aircooled vehicles so a free event, but there will be people selling programs and staff from Barretstown collecting with face painting and kids entertainment. So if i could ask all attending to dip in and give anything to barretstown childrens charity.
I will be parked up in a large grey truck beside the eircooled area and will have the camper beside it if anyone needs anything, if this takes off we could run a similar event for next year and maybe adding to it.



Club Member
Club Member
December 4, 2006
Im off to the Phantom of the Opera on Saturday night. Will I be allowed access around 11pm??