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Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

[For Sale: Car] Bargains on DoneDeal


Club Member
Club Member
November 15, 2006

'Cos its an ultra low-mileage mid-engined, rare (one of only 3500) Renault5 Turbo2. One in this sort of original condition is rare enough to find. Price may go higher because of the condition & originality. They have a fairly illustrious competition history & partially designed by marcello gandini. They were based on the Group4 Turbo1, but cheaper to produce. Standard tune about 160bhp but can be tuned up to 330bhp plus.