Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

August 22nd 2009, Galway Swap Meet


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
ah I'm sure I won't have much worth stealing it was just an observation from previous swap meet experiences. I won't be the only one in that situation. Maybe a buddy system could be arranged so people could alternate manning the scrapheaps while the owners go delve through other people's scrapheaps?


Club Member
Club Member
November 22, 2006
Why dont you charge a membership fee for a pitch?? That way members get it free and non members become members!!!!

Also ban hawker swith crap car booty stuff, VW related stuff only IMO, but that means old cooler boxs etc are allowed!

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
yeah that is a good idea

i'll let padraig decide - it is his baby - and i don't think he gives a shite as long as he gets rid of his porsche alloys


Club Member
Club Member
November 22, 2006
i don't think he gives a shite as long as he gets rid of his porsche alloys


I was speaking to Padraig in Limerick briefly about the possibilities of a swap meet/auto jumble and the fact take I was about to take the plunge (possibly) to organise on myself down on the east coast, anyway you beat me to it but was planning on one at the end of summer/show season but now Im kind of inspired again seeing as you guys have got the ball rolling! I was talking about running a show in association with the local regatta but I left that too late (its this forthnight) but then thought I'd start with a jumble and see how goes!!! - Also my sister (who ran a car show for the regatta 5years ago) is involved with fundraising for the 'Guide dogs for the disabled' and was at me 2weeks ago to organise something to help her and the charity!!!

Anyway this has been on my mind for a long time, attending VW events everywhere but the east coast!!! Plus the fact that Ive gots loads of crap but its not the crap I need!

If I where to do something over here would you guys be okay with it?? Im not saying I will yet!!

Next up is a few suggestions! As I said, Ive been thinking about it, but now Im delighted someone has taken the plunge!!!

Keep the none car crap out, alot of auto jumbles are more jumble than auto and there is no reall good ones in ireland coz of this! If you want to attract people get good stuff out for sale!

Would you be up for inviting the watercooled crowd??? I know the guys on Vagdrivers have been on about running one for ages but again like me, its all talk!! I think you should as it will increase the number of stalls and make the trip worthwhile and not just me, Trev, Johan and a few Porker wheels!!:razz:

I dont think theres any harm in charging, means only serious hawkers turn up! also covers your costs/efforts plus can raise clubs funds! Obviously not a silly amount!

Advertise on Vagdrivers.net, Vage.ie, GtiNi.com, NBoc, Rule6.co.uk,Type2Ireland,Southernvolksfolks, Board.ie classic section, Classiccar.ie and in the Irish vintage scene mag site.

Ive had stalls with my Dad a bike jumbles in the past, Kilkenny/Carlow and more recently the Taney show which is a nice little event!! Theyre cool relaxed gatherings with out the hustle and bustle of shows!!

Funny, i went to a swapmeet in the states last summer, it was all done by 12 noon and this is only starting at 12! - Never seen so much cool stuff and project cars too!!!

P.S. You can tell me to but out if you want!!

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
no problem with you doing it - just not on the same day :)

i think there will only be car stuff there - and maybe some retro stuff

i dunno about H20 - the fear is always that a load of local skangers in their mk4 golfs will turn up and make it into something that attracts negative attention. yes i know there are genuine mk4 golf vag lovers etc etc, but there are also local skangers with mk4 golfs. very few have beetles.

also to be honest if even 10 of the biggest junk monkeys in the country turned up with just aircooled stuff it would be a huge amount of stuff for sale - it doesn't need the watercooled crowd - it should be huge with just a/c stuff

i agree with everything else you say

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
If you charge for a stand doesn't that bring in the issue of insurance?

yeah - at the end of the day this is some people parking in a carpark and looking in each others cars - kinda like dogging but with cv boots instead of kinky boots. just turn up and see what happens and stop trying to turn it into something :)


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Club Member
November 22, 2006
I'll be doing my best to get up there!

- Dont worry if I do eventually get round to organising it wont clash with anything!!

- Re: MK4 owners, yes I agree but also I dont thik theyre the sort who will be bothered with an auto jumble , only the old skool crowd would be interested as theyre parts are harder gotten - Mk1 & 2 Golfs, Mk1 & 2 Jettas, Derbys, Passats etc!! Oh and T25s too!


Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
yeah that is a good idea

i'll let padraig decide - it is his baby - and i don't think he gives a shite as long as he gets rid of his porsche alloys

Too true... :D

If I'm honest, this whole thing is borne out of frustration, due to an inability to reach the right audience to sell things to. Buy 'n Sell is a deadloss for parts, Carzone is no better for cars, particulary when you're talking about something that has a fairly narrow appeal. By the same token, if you're looking for anything special for your project then you can forget about these outlets also. When was the last time you saw a swamp-cooler for sale on the BnS?!

Everybody has something in their garage they don't have an immediate need for and given the chance they'd like to browse a few tables of interesting bits to add more crap to their pile in the garage.

Bring parts, part completed projects, cars, period posters, car related literature, hot rod bits, rare accessories, whatever - as long as it relates to classic vehicles. This would include modern alloys that can be fitted to classics...!

The water-cooled guys are more than welcome in my opinion, they are car guys with similar interests and similar things to sell.

We won't charge addmission or anything to set up a pitch this year - this is not to generate profit, just want to get an audience to see the stuff I have in my garage..! If this does get big then there might be no harm in building up club funds with a small admission fee, but that's a bit off yet.

Think of this as the physical version of The Samba or Pomona in the West...:canada:


Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
Cool well can I stick the ad/poster up in Vagdrivers?

Those boys might be more into your wheels anyway!

Work away and welcome, it'll take me another couple of days to get around to doing it!
I intend handing around flyers at the VAGE show in Fermoy also, if anybody is going to a show or meet before then let us know and we'll rustle up some flyers for you...


Club Member
Club Member
November 11, 2008
Talking with Tom Lally last night and he said that he would be interested in coming down.Really hope this works out its a great idea.

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
Talking with Tom Lally last night and he said that he would be interested in coming down.Really hope this works out its a great idea.

Hi Brendan

Would you print out the poster and give it to Tom if he is in your local area? It would be much apperciated

