Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Agm 2012.


Club Member
Club Member
November 22, 2006
Thank/like bar gone! Hooray, happy new year!

No worries from me regarding events committee, although I didn't think we did committees!

Reading previous posts from new members I find it strange that they would be nervous about coming up to club members at shows etc, perhaps it's because we all know each other we look clicky, when it's quite the opposite, one of the most relaxed clubs/forums around! Biggest problem I have is getting time to say hello an talk to everyone at shows, there's always so much to catch up on, projects to discuss, it's hard to get round to everyone before its time to head home!


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
Thank/like bar gone! Hooray, happy new year!

No worries from me regarding events committee, although I didn't think we did committees!

Reading previous posts from new members I find it strange that they would be nervous about coming up to club members at shows etc, perhaps it's because we all know each other we look clicky, when it's quite the opposite, one of the most relaxed clubs/forums around! Biggest problem I have is getting time to say hello an talk to everyone at shows, there's always so much to catch up on, projects to discuss, it's hard to get round to everyone before its time to head home!

Joining a group that appears to be already well acquainted isn't easy, but it's not as it may appear - how long was it before we actually met and chatted? LOL

Lazy Dog

Club Member
Club Member
October 14, 2008
Maghermore, Wicklow.
Thank/like bar gone! Hooray, happy new year!

No worries from me regarding events committee, although I didn't think we did committees!

Reading previous posts from new members I find it strange that they would be nervous about coming up to club members at shows etc, perhaps it's because we all know each other we look clicky, when it's quite the opposite, one of the most relaxed clubs/forums around! Biggest problem I have is getting time to say hello an talk to everyone at shows, there's always so much to catch up on, projects to discuss, it's hard to get round to everyone before its time to head home!

I only joined because I wanted to be part of a clique..............


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Since Trev couldn't make today's meeting, I've done the minutes of the meeting.

Since the standard of Volkswagens has become very high in recent years, and many
members have seen their Vdubs in Volksworld magazine members asked for the articles themselves be a sticky.

I would suggest that this be a generic Press Page thread because we have so many Irish built VWs (and Audi :p) as well as Irish owned VWs getting print from many different sources now it's easy to lose track of who was where. We have had Trev's Audi making 2 magazines within a few days, In Volksworld Brendan's Beetle was in twice, Oliver O'Donovan's Cal Look feature (not a member but an Irish feature all the same), Martin Murray's Cal Looker, Liam's Split Bus, Wayne's Double Cab, Donal Dollery's TDi Bay, Jean-Michel's Ragtop, The Williams' Split and I'm sure there will be many more in 2012.
I also think it would be a great place to highlight the many show reports from the older magazines such as VW Motoring, Fl4T, Total VW right the way up to today with Ultra VW, Hot VWs and Volksworld. I'm sure that combined we can pull together old features, show reports and spotted pics from our stash of VW porn :D

Any newbie logging on for the first time could look at that thread and see that this is a great little club and although small in numbers we are making serious inroads within the global VW scene.............sure, don't we have Mac setting up the Chicago Chapter as we speak? Today Bottomstown, tomorrow the world :p


Club Member
Club Member
January 10, 2008
Well done Coxy, sure as you have been the author of many of these articles I'm sure you'll be able to take care of this one.

Beag and I can help with words of encouragement :p


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007


Club Member
Club Member
January 12, 2007
Marino, Dublin
Just logging in now after a great run back. I set off behind Liam in his Bay and kept with him for as long as I could before letting him go about 50km from Dublin when the traffic got a bit tight.... Jasus he sets some pace!!! I was doing a steady 75mph most of the way, pushing 80mph sometimes and after an hour of that I decided I should let the engine have a rest..... didn't stop him though!

I was running a bit late for getting home for a bit of a family dinner.That,s the trouble with days like these,Time flies and suddenly you are not where you should be.The oil temp was stuck on 100 + degrees C most of the way.She needed a good blowout to clear out all the condensation after just been driven around town for the last while.I never noticed you in the dark.


Club Member
November 24, 2008
I was running a bit late for getting home for a bit of a family dinner.That,s the trouble with days like these,Time flies and suddenly you are not where you should be.The oil temp was stuck on 100 + degrees C most of the way.She needed a good blowout to clear out all the condensation after just been driven around town for the last while.I never noticed you in the dark.

Yeh, I lost you when we hit the traffic but was right behind you a lot of the way.

I seem to remember that you have a 1600 in the back..... can't quite believe it!!!


Club Member
February 3, 2009
Agm '12.

Agm '12.

Found my camera eventually, The few pictures I took. :D


Mac aka Deckie holding up the Eircooled banner.


Liam's bus, certainly some motor in that beauty.


It's the boys behind VWSPARES.


Duts left his Civic at home.


Liam & Rez's wheels..

More to follow.


Club Member
February 3, 2009

How many lights do you need lads?


Beag's motor, looking great in black.


The Dublin boys on Munster territory.


Fashionable late


BRM's nice.