Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Agm 2012.


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009
Good to catch up with the few of ye I hadn't seen in a while. Roll on the sun!

Big thanks to Justin for the calendars. Excellent work!!!

An Marcach

Club Member
Club Member
March 13, 2011
This was my first time at a meet, etc and I have to say it would have been nice if I'd been made feel welcome but hey, maybe I should have made more of an effort.

Ha ha, just taking the piss, I was made feel very welcome from the chat over a few beers last night and before, during and after the meeting today.

Be warned folks, there is a good chance you'll be seeing me around again from time to time asking for help / parts / info on here or in person at meets / shows..

Oh, and hello to anyone I didn't get to say it to in person yesterday or today.



Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
June 5, 2007





Club Member
Club Member
August 23, 2010
I would just like to say thanks to everyone for being so welcoming today.Although I'm around the forum for well over a year now,as a shy person I genuinely have been putting off any meets because I am crap at meeting new people,but decided to get my act together and try the agm.
I really enjoyed the meeting and got to put a few faces to names..
Didn't get to meet everyone there but the guys I did meet were very sound
Thanks again all,and I'm looking forward to going to more meets now,and as for the welcoming committee idea no need.....
See y'all during the year..:)

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Club Member
November 24, 2008
Just logging in now after a great run back. I set off behind Liam in his Bay and kept with him for as long as I could before letting him go about 50km from Dublin when the traffic got a bit tight.... Jasus he sets some pace!!! I was doing a steady 75mph most of the way, pushing 80mph sometimes and after an hour of that I decided I should let the engine have a rest..... didn't stop him though!

Had a great night last night, great to catch up with everyone again. It was cool to see a few new faces there too.

@vdubber - great pics... I saw you at it with your big ol' camera and decided that I'd just rely on your pics :) Oh, and check out your new profile status :)

@johnnyg - cool to meet you today, welcome to one of the best bits of the club... meeting face to face, it's always better than posting of a forum, well done for making it along :)

@An Marcach - Welcome along. Love the cool waterpumpers you have but I'm looking forward to seeing some pics/progress on the Bug.


Club Member
February 3, 2009
Minutes of todays meeting.

Minutes of todays meeting.

Since Trev couldn't make today's meeting, I've done the minutes of the meeting.

The main issue of the day was that some people were abusing the Trading Post section
by selling goods and not contributing to the club. Those that attended decided that none paid members who join the club for this reason will have access to the forum although limited to one post in the Trading Post until they become a paid member.

The like/discount/thanks notifications will be removed.

When adding pictures to a thread, in the coming weeks you will be able to add the photos
to the gallery by ticking a box below and selecting a folder via a drop down bar.

Members felt more was needed in letting club members/forum members and people that
are on our email list know what the club were doing. What shows we were visiting, ect.
I will start working on this and have a sim card which I will send out SMS messages letting
people know what is on.

Flyers will be developed by Rez, so that they can be given out to Volkswagen owners that are not in the car club explaining what we're all about.

Their was also talk of an open day for new members, Jon Whites show was suggested for this.

Tom Roberts complained that their was too much negativity in the club last year, and specially in relation to Mondello 2011. That people spoke the event down and no one bar him attended the event. Mondello 2012 will be themed around air cooled cars this year, and a lot of people said they would support the show this year.

Rocky was busy out buying more Ghia's today and got in at 13.45.

A club contact assistance list is to be made.

Since the standard of Volkswagens has become very high in recent years, and many
members have seen their Vdubs in Volksworld magazine members asked for the articles themselves be a sticky.

Their will be merchandise for 2012, vwboy is in talks with me about doing it and Beag
said he would look into his supplier too.

Brian Raftery felt that we need an events committee. He picked Ross, Dave (which one?) and Tsar. Ross asked for this to be discussed on the forum in a different thread.

That was the guts of today's meeting, hope I got everything.

Good to see all, photos later.

Brian Raftery asked would someone of the Cork members start a monthly meeting in Cork,
like the Dublin meeting & Portlaoise.
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