Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Vantastival 2012, 4th - 6th May


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009
Frankie Gavin & DeDannan - Ham Sandwich - The Original Rudeboys
Le Galaxie - R.S.A.G. - Eoin Dillon - Jinx Lennon - I Draw Slow
Preachers Son - Raglans - Wyvern Lingo - runawayGo - Master and Dog - Cars Love Girls
Trap Door - The Barley Mob - Watson Ace - The Bionic Rats - Fox.E and the Good Hands -
Reverend JM’s Panic Worship - The Trampz - Vickers Vimy - Cold Comfort - Marc O’Reilly
The Dirty Valentines - Soldiers Can’t Dance - Fox Jaw Bounty Hunters - The Rambleers
Loco Swing - Tarantella Fall - I’d Fight Gandhi - Slow Motion Heroes - Miss Paula Flynn
The Amazing Few - Champagne Animal - Ladydoll - Gypsy Rebel Rabble - Shadowplay
The Spook of the Thirteenth Lock - Inni-K - Layne County - MGB - Third Smoke

Trumpets of Jericho - The Viking Project - Swords - Ghost Estates - EleventyFour - Yukina
The Fitzafrenic - Karma Parking - Sticky Digit - The Freedom 35s - Lotus Eater - Ana Gog
Willow Sea - SJ McArdle - Town Criers - Redtwelve - Huey and the Hobgoblins
Midtown Reign - Cold Steel Feel - and more to be announced!!!

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