Frankie Gavin & DeDannan - Ham Sandwich - The Original Rudeboys
Le Galaxie - R.S.A.G. - Eoin Dillon - Jinx Lennon - I Draw Slow
Preachers Son - Raglans - Wyvern Lingo - runawayGo - Master and Dog - Cars Love Girls
Trap Door - The Barley Mob - Watson Ace - The Bionic Rats - Fox.E and the Good Hands -
Reverend JM’s Panic Worship - The Trampz - Vickers Vimy - Cold Comfort - Marc O’Reilly
The Dirty Valentines - Soldiers Can’t Dance - Fox Jaw Bounty Hunters - The Rambleers
Loco Swing - Tarantella Fall - I’d Fight Gandhi - Slow Motion Heroes - Miss Paula Flynn
The Amazing Few - Champagne Animal - Ladydoll - Gypsy Rebel Rabble - Shadowplay
The Spook of the Thirteenth Lock - Inni-K - Layne County - MGB - Third Smoke
Trumpets of Jericho - The Viking Project - Swords - Ghost Estates - EleventyFour - Yukina
The Fitzafrenic - Karma Parking - Sticky Digit - The Freedom 35s - Lotus Eater - Ana Gog
Willow Sea - SJ McArdle - Town Criers - Redtwelve - Huey and the Hobgoblins
Midtown Reign - Cold Steel Feel - and more to be announced!!!