Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Tipperary Members


Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2009
Great craic at this last night, great to meet a few more new faces, fair play to Eamon for the temporary restaurant in his van, and two fingers to the cop who bagged me , checked all my paper work and then gave me stick for not having everything stuck on the windscreeen, when I explained it was a show car and it was never a problem before with any other guards, he responded with 'well it is now' , fuppin prick, I also told him it was for sale, he then asked how much and when I told him he snorted 'Jasus would ya get that for one of them yokes' Hope he enjoyed his night standing out in the cold !


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009
anything planned for may lads?
Not yet but maybe the next one could be a breakfast roll? Perhaps take a proper spin and maybe take in something else? Make a day of it. If there's something on (non car related) we could head to that in convoy for a change?


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009
Well lads, Lets kick start this again now that the days are getting a little longer.
Would anyone be up for a meet either some weekday night or Sunday afternoon?
I think a Sunday would be best where we could me up, talk shite, look at what we've been up to over the past few months and go for a spin, stopping for some grub along the way?
Cashel was picked as a central location before so how about there again?
Gonna suggest Sunday week (27th) and see if it suits.

List time....................... :)


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009
Might knock this on the head for this week as there doesn't seem much interest. I'm out campaigning for Mac anyway in the lead-up to Friday so I'm fairly busy. (vote Mac #1)
How would Sunday week suit ye? (5th March)

Gritz, just tell Lynn that you need to do some overtime and she's babysitting ;)
Liam, tell Alice you the family need you back home this weekend to help clear out the attic.
Alice - I know where your parents live.........
Coxy, find one of your 20 cars that actually drives
Beag, be there...... Simples
Mac, I'll tell Michelle you're having an affair with Britt.

Everyone else, I don't know your personal lives to blackmail ye into coming so be there and don't give me a reason to go digging.

Mafia politics!!!


Club Member
Might knock this on the head for this week as there doesn't seem much interest. I'm out campaigning for Mac anyway in the lead-up to Friday so I'm fairly busy. (vote Mac #1)
How would Sunday week suit ye? (5th March)

Gritz, just tell Lynn that you need to do some overtime and she's babysitting ;)
Liam, tell Alice you the family need you back home this weekend to help clear out the attic.
Alice - I know where your parents live.........
Coxy, find one of your 20 cars that actually drives
Beag, be there...... Simples
Mac, I'll tell Michelle you're having an affair with Britt.

Everyone else, I don't know your personal lives to blackmail ye into coming so be there and don't give me a reason to go digging.

Mafia politics!!!

Jaysus Kev the one weekend I am in town....


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009
This weekend....

Loving the new wheels on your sig pic....(y)
Right, you'll see them this Sunday. This spin is now ON again.
We'll meet up in Cashel around midday at Mother Hubbards. Let me know if ye have any ideas of somewhere to go. We'll try get lunch in at a stopoff point.
More the merrier!!
Cashel is only a handy motorway spin down from Dublin, up from Cork, so it would be great to see a few members from these areas come along.