Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Summer Breakfast Roll. Saturday 28 July @ 10.30am in the Midway Portlaoise


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
well since all those lightweights are dropping like flies I'll have to add that fortunately I can make it on Saturday. It'll be a watercooled addition to the aircooled turnout but I'll park it round the corner ;)


Club Member
Club Member
September 3, 2009
Hi to all,
Will there be anyone turning up in a type2 camper? I'm doing some work on my own type2 at the moment, and need to see where the wiring loom is positioned around the engine bay area. I could bring a camera with me and take some pics for details. If a type2 appears, I'll be there.


Club Member
Club Member
March 11, 2007
Hi to all,
Will there be anyone turning up in a type2 camper? I'm doing some work on my own type2 at the moment, and need to see where the wiring loom is positioned around the engine bay area. I could bring a camera with me and take some pics for details. If a type2 appears, I'll be there.

Well, how will you know if one appears, unless you go anyway:p



Club Member
Club Member
January 3, 2011
Co. Offaly
not a happy camper

not a happy camper

hi everyone ,went to portlaois this morning very disappointed with turnout only a few members turned up and fair play to them ,,, but i must add i am disappointed with turnouts in general ie ,, shows ,, meets ,, i do appreciate times and dates dont suit everyone but surely we can do better than the 2% that showed up today ,,, can we not pick one central venue to suit the majority of members and combine all these small meets to one big one every month ,,,that way the numbers should increase ,,,something has to change ,,, getting fed up with the poor showings ,,,,,,,


Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2008
North Wexford
Looks like a reasonable turnout to me, there doesn't always have to be big numbers to make it a good meet. Mikey organised a run to Laragh recently and only 3 aircooled vws turned up yet it was a good meet.


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
hi everyone ,went to portlaois this morning very disappointed with turnout only a few members turned up and fair play to them ,,, but i must add i am disappointed with turnouts in general ie ,, shows ,, meets ,, i do appreciate times and dates dont suit everyone but surely we can do better than the 2% that showed up today ,,, can we not pick one central venue to suit the majority of members and combine all these small meets to one big one every month ,,,that way the numbers should increase ,,,something has to change ,,, getting fed up with the poor showings ,,,,,,,

Dublin is pretty central, and there is a meet every month. How many times have you gone along to those?


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
Initially I thought it was a bit poor but as I was leaving (early)a few more cars had shown up including a few early watercooled vws. Not
Bad turn out all things considered. I was just an informal breakfast roll after all. If you want to see a good turnout then just wait for barn bugs and wags later in the year or take a look at the photos from limerick.

I think if people want to go they will go if it suits them to. Chastising folk for not going or shaming them into going isn't going to work. Just let happen. Fair play to PJ for taking the initiative and organising the meet up and well done everyone that did turn up, great to deer ye :)

EDIT: sorry, smart phone and sausage fingers!


Club Member
Club Member
October 20, 2010
hi everyone ,went to portlaois this morning very disappointed with turnout only a few members turned up and fair play to them ,,, but i must add i am disappointed with turnouts in general ie ,, shows ,, meets ,, i do appreciate times and dates dont suit everyone but surely we can do better than the 2% that showed up today ,,, can we not pick one central venue to suit the majority of members and combine all these small meets to one big one every month ,,,that way the numbers should increase ,,,something has to change ,,, getting fed up with the poor showings ,,,,,,,

i understand where youre comin from