Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Summer Breakfast Roll. Saturday 28 July @ 10.30am in the Midway Portlaoise


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009
hi everyone ,went to portlaois this morning very disappointed with turnout only a few members turned up and fair play to them ,,, but i must add i am disappointed with turnouts in general ie ,, shows ,, meets ,, i do appreciate times and dates dont suit everyone but surely we can do better than the 2% that showed up today ,,, can we not pick one central venue to suit the majority of members and combine all these small meets to one big one every month ,,,that way the numbers should increase ,,,something has to change ,,, getting fed up with the poor showings ,,,,,,,

Mondello formula Vee festival,
Limerick show,
Limerick Breakfast roll,
MONTHLY Dublin meets,
Kildare meets,
N17 meets,
Eircooled invite to the New beetle launch in Cork,
Sally gap run,
Fermoy meet,
Dubshed ,
Mosney show,
Terenure show,
Navan meet,
Eircooled AGM...............

All of these have happened since I saw your van last at Barn, bugs and wags.
Where were you since then?
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Club Member
Club Member
January 3, 2011
Co. Offaly
dublin may be central for people in dublin ,,,, thats not the point ,,, being a member of a club to me means supporting events when you can and i usually do ,,, been to a lot of shows this year not many eircooled members to be seen , im not necessarily criticising anyone but its not what i expected when i joined ,


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
What shows specifically? People will go to shows when they can, and some are more popular than others (Limerick and Monard for example) but I don't think there's any point in stampy-footing when the turn out isn't what you had hoped or expected. In my experience this can have the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve, and might put some off altogether...

I would count this morning's roll as a success. ;)


Club Member
Club Member
November 15, 2006
hi everyone ,went to portlaois this morning very disappointed with turnout only a few members turned up and fair play to them ,,, but i must add i am disappointed with turnouts in general ie ,, shows ,, meets ,, i do appreciate times and dates dont suit everyone but surely we can do better than the 2% that showed up today ,,, can we not pick one central venue to suit the majority of members and combine all these small meets to one big one every month ,,,that way the numbers should increase ,,,something has to change ,,, getting fed up with the poor showings ,,,,,,,

Ball of crap. Looks like a decent turnout for a saturday morning in July. Most people find it hard enough to make the time to meet up on a saturday morning due to work/family/financial commitments.
Not every meeting is going to be Bugjam. We had a meet the other evening in Cork - 3 turned up & it was still worth it. Credit to PJ for organising todays meet up.


Club Member
Club Member
February 2, 2008
I think Seamus came to the meet today with overly high expectations. He has probably been to a lot of big shows where there was maybe 400 cars and then he comes to the Portlaoise meet and only about 10 cars turn up and he is disappointed. The fact is though that those meets are really only there as an opportunity for a few relatively local people to bring out their cars and get together for a cup of tea and a chat, they are just little social get togethers in between the bigger shows. (if a few people from further afield want to come along to the meets they are welcome). Thats the reason why we have meets in all the different parts of the country. As Pox said people have work/family/financial commitments and you can't expect everyone in the country to come to every meet. I think the turnout today was great. I think we should keep organising them and some months we will have a good turnout other months maybe not so good. I'd like to thank everyone for making the effort and coming to the meet today and we can look forward to the next one on Saturday, October 6th @ 10:30am in the Midway.

Brian Raftery

October 25, 2006
Kiltimagh Co. Mayo
I think Seamus came to the meet today with overly high expectations. He has probably been to a lot of big shows where there was maybe 400 cars and then he comes to the Portlaoise meet and only about 10 cars turn up and he is disappointed. The fact is though that those meets are really only there as an opportunity for a few relatively local people to bring out their cars and get together for a cup of tea and a chat, they are just little social get togethers in between the bigger shows. (if a few people from further afield want to come along to the meets they are welcome). Thats the reason why we have meets in all the different parts of the country. As Pox said people have work/family/financial commitments and you can't expect everyone in the country to come to every meet. I think the turnout today was great. I think we should keep organising them and some months we will have a good turnout other months maybe not so good. I'd like to thank everyone for making the effort and coming to the meet today and we can look forward to the next one on Saturday, October 6th @ 10:30am in the Midway.

Good man PJ, thats exactly why we have small meeting, Eircooled is a big club with members all around the country. We could organise a monthly meeting in the centre of the country but you will not get any more people at it than was there today. Most people (apart from Pete, Britt and one or two others) won't travel more than 50kms from there house. As PJ said the idea of the small local meets is so everyone in the club has an opportunity to get to a meeting and meet others from the club or it will just become an internet based fourm like board.ie or people will say why are the meeting only in Dublin and not near me!! We are trying to please everybody but as you know that will never happen. But there is room for more local meetings as there are a few parts of the counrty without meeting but with plenty of members so if you would like to organise one between your area and Athlone there is a good few members and I'll send on a list of members to you.


Club Member
February 3, 2009
hi everyone ,went to portlaois this morning very disappointed with turnout only a few members turned up and fair play to them ,,, but i must add i am disappointed with turnouts in general ie ,, shows ,, meets ,, i do appreciate times and dates dont suit everyone but surely we can do better than the 2% that showed up today ,,, can we not pick one central venue to suit the majority of members and combine all these small meets to one big one every month ,,,that way the numbers should increase ,,,something has to change ,,, getting fed up with the poor showings ,,,,,,,

For the first sunny one of the year we can't expect a massive turnout sure don't people have more commitments than Eircooled. Ethos here tbh, hold a show/run get to it if you can great, if not no worries.

We're not going to hand out gold stars for attendance - numbers mean nothing. it's the people that come out each month even if they use a trailer or Passat that keeps the club supported & going.