thanks for all the congrats lads, I'm thrilled with it
I'm just in the door now after starting the day at 6AM! I got up, got it running finally (but only barely!) and didn't feel brave/foolish enough to make it's maiden voyage a 160 mile round trip to Limerick. Marty who painted the car had offered a lend of his trailer if I needed it so I set out for his place near Clane at 8 and got home with it at 10. At this stage I can only imagine people were beginning to arrive at the show. I was still at home. So I got the car up on the trailer, lost a little underseal on the way up (!) and drove s-l-o-w-l-y to Limerick. Not out of choice, the poor old Passat was under pressure to drag the trailer with the car on it, into a pretty strong headwind. The hills on the motorway never seemed so steep or so bloody long before. I was down to third gear on some of them. I arrvied fashionably late to the show and I managed to drive the car the last 100 yards into the showground. I was amazed by the reaction to it! Thrilled

Thanks to everyone who wished me well today, ye're all a great crowd. Except beag and Liam, they're pricks. The journey home was much easier on the Passat, the wind had died and I as able to maintain good progress the whole way home. Lost another bit of underseal coming off the trailer too! Another job for the snag list
The icing on the cake was to get a prize for my efforts. I'm delighted with it. But I was only one of many Eircooler's that took home silverware. Off the top of my head I saw Padraig Kvinyl, Brendan O'Brien, Tsar Dirty1, Donal Dollery, Liam 69bug, PJ GBOF with awards (Hope I haven't forgotten anyone!) so it was a good day for Eircooled members all round. Great day out too, the weather held up, put a few more faces to names, met some new people, shook a lot of hands! I'm bollixed now so I'm off to bed