Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

KRO Solutions Limited

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006

As some of you may know I quit my career as a software developer about 2 months ago. There were various reasons for me doing this, but the main one is that I no longer have the desire to work my guts out so as some other dude can smoke Cubans and drive a CLK off the proceeds of my hard work. I've decided to go it alone and start a new software and business services company called KRO Solutions.

There are two reasons for me saying this online here. The first is so as Airhead and other people I have been annoying about car-vans and stuff can be put out of their misery and know what I am up to. The second is because I am looking for both customers and suppliers and since most of you know of me at least I might have a good start here.

I intent to provide mainly software applications for helping to run a business efficiently. I will custom write time/management software, invoicing software, warehousing and inventory databases, online ordering systems, reservations systems, and almost anything business application software. For as long as I am not too busy I will also provide software or websites for small companies or individuals. You see the adverts online - 5 page website for €150 and that type of thing. Bring me your business whilst I am getting going and I will do a proper professional website for the same price as that student guy is offering to do it!! All I ask in return is that you recommend me to one or two others if you are happy. There will be a graphic designer working with me also if anyone needs a corporate identity. I am also doing training courses - SQLServer, ECDL, CRM, Sharepoint, etc. One other aspect of the business will be providing productivity/efficiency consulting services to SME's, but that will not kick in until later.


The business is limited and VAT registered.

On the flipside of this give and take post I will need extra PCs, networking equipment, software, stationary, office furniture, and a van. I am willing to barter (software for hardware!!) whilst cash is tight, or down the road I'd rather give my cash to a VeeDub fan or his/her family than send it to some other crowd. So let me know if you are in any of those lines.

So that's it. My own website is a work in progress, but when it is complete it will be at http://www.krosolutions.com/ and my contact details are up there for now.



P.S. Watch this space for a second business coming your way in mid 2008 - much more exciting for VeeDub fans :)


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
Best of luck with it, I have something coming up soon in work that might suit you - I'll give you a shout. ;)


Club Member
Club Member
October 25, 2006
Best of luck with that, Ruairi! Fair play to you for going out on your own. Trust me, I know exactly how you felt. Been there myself. Anyway, the dealership I work in is closing down and there'll be no shortage of office equipment, computers, phones, and hopefully the right van will come up for you soon as well so Ill keep my eyes peeled. Ill see what the story is with the office equipment. It will be June when its available.


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
Just let me know exactly what you need in regard to stationery, I'll see what I can do. I'm sure I could do a barter there.



Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Congrats. It takes a lot to do it but it's worth it. We're 2 yrs down the road and still growing but we can see things starting to come together and that makes the struggle worth it.
I hope it all goes well for you.


Club Member
Club Member
January 10, 2008
best of luck in your new venture...
being your own boss aint easy but it sure does have its rewards....

10 years on and i still enjoy going to work for myself...

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
Cheers everyone - I'm a big fan of "networking" and always said that this club is a great way to meet people and make contacts. That is what the trading post has always been about. Justin - I'll email you the PDFs of the company stationary when I have them confirmed and we can see what we can barter - I've no Ovals though :) Ross - nick as much as you can before you leave :)

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
Might have to talk to you!!

My site is in need of a drastic overhall, that it hasnt had in 3 years!


I like the general feel of that site - I like lots of white space and a nice crispness. My speciality is more the backend stuff (interactivity, online ordering etc) rather than design work, but if you draw out a design or come up with some ideas I'd be happy to make them happen. I'd also be happy to start from a blank page and see what I come up with, but then you wouldn't be so proud of it :) Ye know where to find me anyways :)


Club Member
Club Member
November 22, 2006
Right, the site was only thrown up so i need it sorted asap, its been pissing me off for a long time and then I had a fault wit the server and DNS number so it would only open randomly but thats sorted now!

I'm a designer so the graphics are my dept anyways, I'll be supplying them to who ever builds it! I've a few ideas but also I'd like the opinion of somone who knows a bit about designing sites rather than a student with no experience of what works! eg I always wanted black but have been told to keep a site clean and white works best!

What I am looking for is an upgrade on the forum (its getting loads of bogus members, had a picture problem but thats sorted now!

On the main site, should I have a page with a random picture that you have to enter from or should I go straight to the home page!

Homepage with area for news bulletins and updates! Access to other pages!

Then the other pages will be forum, gallery, online shop - t-shirts/hoodies etc(paypal setup required) and a rider profile section for race team members!

I'll supply all logos, graphics, photos, and artwork!

What do you think???

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
I personally don't like "splash" pages where you have to "click to enter site", but that is just me. Everything else sounds handy enough - kind the same stuff as Eircooled really. Give me a bell or an email away from prying eyes (you know who you are) and I'll chat with ye - contact details are on www.krosolutions.com