Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Jumpstart 2015


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Just booked accommodation in Athlone, heading down there early fri avo to chill and look around - never been that way before. Then a wee jump down on to Loughmoe Saturday morning - tis far? Should I give an hour or so? Looking forward to meeting some of you folks and enjoying the show. Java Green should be running sweet and ready for its biggest road trip (in my care) yet.

Looking forward to meeting you Pete. I'm sure the convoy lists will start soon so perhaps you could tag along with others heading Loughmore way!


Club Member
Club Member
December 17, 2013
Looking forward to my first jumpstart event. Is there's plans for central meeting points on Saturday morning?


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Looking forward to my first jumpstart event. Is there's plans for central meeting points on Saturday morning?

I'm not too sure who is coming from where and what time they are travelling but I expect people will start to throw up their convoy lists tonight or tomorrow. I would presume the M7 convoy would be your best bet to tag along with as there are quite a lot that are going to be coming down the M7


Club Member
Club Member
December 15, 2012
Castlederg. NW
Aye. Great, will look out for any convoy lists. Will be relying on an out of date map or the battery in my sat nav holding out to get me there!


Club Member
Club Member
September 10, 2007
Me and Dave will be there early doors saturday morning, get the coffee on boys we'll need it :)


Club Member
Club Member
February 3, 2012
Don't think I'll make it this year unfortunately. In the middle of an engine swap. Have fun guys and please take lots of photos


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Most of the prizes and goodie bag 'stuff' have been delivered so I started sorting through it all tonight and I have to say, it's the largest haul for Jumpstart and with more to come tomorrow and the last delivery scheduled for Thursday, my front room is at breaking point!

Gritz has worked his ass off to get some fantastic prizes for the raffle in aid of TLC4CF including a fuel voucher, a tablet and a retro radio as well as two tickets for Status Quo and also audience tickets for The Late Late Show

We're expecting this to be the biggest attended Jumpstart with the most diverse range of vintage VWs on display, many of which are not regulars on the VW show scene, if ever, so this is a great opportunity to see fresh VWs.

I've more to tell you but that can wait til the morning, I need to catch some Z's right now!


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Just to give you an idea as to where I am with prizes and goodie bag fillers, this should shed some light on that.....

Jon White of VW Spares has always been and continues to be an avid supporter of Jumpstart and once again he didn't let us down as he is giving us two vouchers, a crockery set and a cutlery set as prizes.

Wayne McCarthy has once more ordered two very cool awards. The first one being the Paddy O'Callaghan Award which will be for the most original VW on the day and the second is the Wayne Mac Choice which this year is for the furthest travelled VW. The reason for this is because the awards themselves are the most travelled trophies ever. They were made in Youghal, then they went to Kanturk and then Little Island before going to Wayne's house in Fermoy where he packed them into his bag for delivery to me at the Volksworld Show in Esher, Surrey. The trophies never made it out of the bag all weekend and Wayne only remembered when he and Liam O'Callaghan were in the airport on the way home. Liam put them in his bag for the flight and meant to give them to Wayne when they landed but this didn't happen so the trophies then went on another trip, this time to Kanturk, then back to Little Island before finally getting back to Wayne in Fermoy. Next stop is Loughmore on Saturday morning so as I say, it's only appropriate that the WayneMac Choice goes to the furthest travelled VW on the day :D

Stump, or Paul Twibill to his mammy, has recently set up www.cal-lookclothing.com producing t-shirts and other VW related apparel but one other service offered is glazing images onto mugs. When he mentioned this to me I placed an order for 50 mugs with the Lemorris designed Jumpstart 2015 poster on these mugs. When Paul realised I was planning on selling these on the day with all monies going to the fundraising for TLC4CF he very kindly offered to run them up at cost, meaning even more money will be raised which is excellent news.

There will only be a limited number of just 50 mugs available on the day with all profits going to TLC4CF. Jon White and Paul Twibill will both have tradestands at Jumpstart and will be selling them on our behalf so get in early to get these limited edition mugs because as the ad says, once they're gone they're gone!.........and they're for a great cause too (y)



Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Tom from VW Weddings got in touch to say that he ordered a €50 voucher from VW Spares yesterday which we will be giving out on the day so don't forget to register when you get to Loughmore



Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Mick's Garage, VW Heritage, Just Kampers, Volksworld, Irish Vintage Scene, Retro Classics, CoolFlo, Aircooled Accessories, Airmighty, Hayburner, Madmatz, BBT, Machine7, Prosign and many more have generously supplied products for the goodie bags so I would ask that you please support these and every supplier when considering purchasing a product or service.
Myself and Justin will also have some new Carbs& Chrome stickers for 2015 included in your goodie bags too.

I cannot leave out CM Signs too as they have not only sponsored Jumpstart but they are also making the directional signs, Jumpstart stickers and have sourced some extra goodies for the goodie bags as well as prizes for the raffle so hats off to Brian (Gritz) and Graham (Beag) and all the team in CM Signs.......

Last but not least is 69Bug (Liam) who wowed us yesterday with these pics he sent through.........

Liam begged, borrowed and begged again with his bosses and came away with Topaz t-shirts, Topaz vouchers, air fresheners, engine oil, hats, keyrings and much more (y)

This is how Jumpstart can keep going every year with no entry fee, no display charge and can ensure you get goodie bags that are jam packed with really cool stuff and that the prizes are ones that we want to win too........but can't :mad:

Thanks Liam. I won't ask what you had to do to get all that you did but I'm glad you did it :p

And thanks also to Mikey for sorting out those tickets to Christy Moore and Status Quo (y)

I'll keep you updated as everything comes together.

See you all on Saturday (or Friday if you're camping out the night before ;))


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
The Mug Company will also be on hand throughout the day. They will take a photo of your car (and you if you like) and will glaze that photo and the date and location of Jumpstart onto a mug. The price is just €13 and they will make a donation at the end of the day to TLC4CF


Club Member
Club Member
October 13, 2008
You might get pushed out of town, but only if you need it. :p

I had to be pushed out of it last year.....................and failed to make it home!

Wife due date yesterday so I'm currently banned from attending but I'm not giving up yet. Would hate to miss it. We'll see what happens!