Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Formula Vee Festival held at mondello park on 6th and 7th july


Club Member
Club Member
August 21, 2011
Right all i thought i had better fill in the details, firstly the date is set by Mondello as part of their race calendar so they have no concern over terenure. This years event will be sponsored by Dunlop and all money raised will go to Lauralynn House childrens hospice. Last year we raised €13208 for Barretstown so this year we hope to raise more for a very deserving charity. This years event will be a full 2 day event as opposed to last years which was a 1.5 day event so all are welcome from early saturday morning and we will have lunchtime events on both days. This will be a free event for all our eircooled friends we will have allocated parking like last year and a party on saturday night and probably a few hangovers on sunday morning. I will add more details as we get closer to the event we are hoping to have bigger crowds this year with a couple of events to promote the weekend in the weeks coming before. And maybe we can surpass one of the strangest sights of last year with a split passing a ghia towing a caravan on the main straight even writing it seems far fetched.


October 11, 2012
what format do you post a video in? I have a video of last years parade lap taken from inside the buzle but having issues putting on to youtube, then just noticed you have an insert video button on this forum.

We landed on friday night expecting to travel home on sat night (5hrs in the buzle with a chip and pee's stop), but enjoyed the craic too much and stayed on till sunday night -- great event might get this year if I can get off work.


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
what format do you post a video in? I have a video of last years parade lap taken from inside the buzle but having issues putting on to youtube, then just noticed you have an insert video button on this forum.

We landed on friday night expecting to travel home on sat night (5hrs in the buzle with a chip and pee's stop), but enjoyed the craic too much and stayed on till sunday night -- great event might get this year if I can get off work.

YouTube is best, but if it's too big it won't upload.

What size is it?


October 11, 2012
Thanks Justin I'll look it up again -- had it on my old computer but it calved a while ago luckily I had backed up the edited version on a stick but will have to save it as something you can use. So will have to download videopad to convert it I expect

the video shows a chap in front of me in a gold / silver bug blowing up 'I think' didn't get time to ask cos had to hurry home straight after parade lap hope that wasn't you - looked expensive


Club Member
Club Member
August 21, 2011
A reminder to all the Dunlop Formula VEE festival is only a month away all aircooled vehicles get in free overnight parking for saturday night in the paddock. The bar is open late and if its like last year the drinking will be even later, all are welcome laps of the track at lunchtime again which made for great entertainment last year. All money raised goes to charity.
2013 vee fest poster a4 (452x640).jpg

like us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Dunlop-Formula-Vee-Festival-2013/477008952377078
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Club Member
Club Member
September 2, 2008
i think i'll be up Saturday evening,though not bringing the beetle-tis in pieces.trying to get the brothers vee ready,it hasn't been out since last year,and has a bent axel,and a few other problems to fix.hope to see ye there..

Kevin O'Brien

Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2008
I'm hoping to bring the bug to this, although it'll be touch and go as to whether it'll make it as I've a lot to get finished on it before the weekend.


Club Member
Club Member
September 22, 2009
shame they moved the date forwards a few weeks it was the 20th last year . now its clashing with castlewelland VW show on Saturday


and car culture live on sunday .


these 2 events are only 10 miles apart with camping available.
so I cant make it.


Club Member
Club Member
January 31, 2010
Thats a shame i'd say you were a shoe-in for the modelling contest!!


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
Going to bring the bug on Saturday and head to Terenure on Sunday.

I'll should make this

i think i'll be up Saturday evening,though not bringing the beetle-tis in pieces.trying to get the brothers vee ready,it hasn't been out since last year,and has a bent axel,and a few other problems to fix.hope to see ye there..

I'm hoping to bring the bug to this, although it'll be touch and go as to whether it'll make it as I've a lot to get finished on it before the weekend.

Beer and sausies, 2am, outside Deckie's van. See you there. :p