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Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Eireball 2010 7-14 August


Club Member
Club Member
October 25, 2006
I did just under 1000 miles. The fuel injection system in Louies van packed up and couldnt be fixed on the spot so she got it towed to crazylegs, and Jacinta loaned her a van for the rest of the week.


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009








Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Were there any prizes for best cook, worst cook, most entertaining etc?
I presume everyone brought their own food and cooked or were there a few people scabbing food all week? Dish the dirt Kev :D


Club Member
Club Member
October 25, 2006
Were there any prizes for best cook, worst cook, most entertaining etc?
I presume everyone brought their own food and cooked or were there a few people scabbing food all week? Dish the dirt Kev :D

I will admit I did scrounge a bit of hot water and food where I could! I survived on prepacked salads from tesco, sandwiches and whatever else I could get at garages along the way, various cafes and burger stands.

And Ben, people think I got sunburnt, when in actual fact my face is still red after that! I only realised how bad it was when I saw the youtube video.


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009
Ross survived on breakfast bars and some extra boiled water for tea that we made. Can't believe he survived the week!

I started the week having to return home after 20 mins on the road as my front left tyre was rubbing on every turn and bump. We thought maybe one or more of the leaves had snapped. Podsyb had a spare front beam up in his brothers which we stripped and fitted to my car. It was slightly better but there's a problem there still, I'm guessing its either because of the rear which I lowered a week previous or the front left shock. Made it to Arklow as it got dark and seriously enjoyed a few cans.
Day 2 was a long trek up to Caddy's place in Armagh. Most of the trip was along good roads and motorways. A few times the needle was almost at 70 just to keep up. These guys don't hang around! Whe we reached Armagh a few local vans had already turned up. It was a seriously tight squeeze in Caddy's yard but somehow we fitted. After eating the spuds (and whiskey frankfurters) we settled down to a live band put on by Caddy. Good craic was had by all and later that night we we "entertained" by an Eircooler (ye've all seen the video by now).
I had left my passenger seat at home and made a foldup bed inside the beetle which was WAY more comfortable and dry than a tent but the following morning I was woken abruptly by Eamon and Donal Dollery saking the car voilently, not how you want to wake after a feed of cheap whiskey and countless cans. (beetlebug, look away now)..........I really shouldn't have driven so early!!
On towards Fahan, Co. Donegal once underway and a 2 hour stop so people could view the giants causeway. It was here that we had the worst weather so myself and Eamon sat in his van drinking tea and trying my best not to puke! We finally made it to Fahan and set up camp beside the harbour. This is where we realised that Frankfurters are best cooked in beer! Louie's van wouldn't start so we spent a few hours doing our best to get it started. Its an automatic bay with electronic ignition and therefore had no spare parts. Time to hit a nearby pub and worry about it in the morning.
The following day again after trying to start her van we had no choice but to admit defeat. The AA were rang and poor Louie had to remove the kids and gear and squash in with other Eireballers. Jacinta made arrangements to have her own bus (which she wasn't using) delivered to our next stop.
The next stop was a GAA grounds in Ballyshannon. We were made feel very welcome and had locked gates for ourselves. We also made the local press. Word went round that we were to be in a pub in the town for 9:00 for a surprise birthday for Donal Dollery. Happy birthday Donal!!! His best present?????.................a comb!
Rodger from Type 2 didn't have his samba on the road so instead took his beetle dragging an Eriba puck. Seriously cool piece of kit. I'm not jealous of him in the slightest........ While in Ballyshannon we also took the opportunity to check out the new Rory Gallagher statue in the town centre. I hope to make it back up to the Rory Gallagher festival someday.
On the road again, this time heading south towards Galway, Roundstone campsite the destination. Fuck lowered cars, I nearly died on the state of the roads. Myself and a couple from the Isle of Man and 2 others lost the convoy enroute. I'd like to mention at this stage that major roads were rarely used throughout the week. I honestly thought my car would pack it in. We finally made it to the site whick was situated beside one of the nicest beaches in Ireland. The water was crystal clear and if you drowned out Ross yapping back in the campsite you could almost imagine you were in France.
The Eireball campsite was far from ideal though. People set up wherever they could find (roughly) flat ground. The wind was pretty harsh so we were glad a few of our foreign Eireballers had brought campfires. The following morning when I woke, I woke in the same position I fell asleep in, pressed to the wheel well of the beetle, inside thankfully!
Camp, Co. Kerry was next on the agenda and after a quick fuel stop I also checked the oil. A small gasket in my carb was leaking petrol. After asking around, Luke (3nero) came to my rescue with a bag of assorted parts. I found a spare gasket and 10 mins later it was fitted and we were back on the road (thanx Eamon for your help too) We finally reached the railway bar in Camp, Co. Kerry and somehow fitted all the vans into the small carpark. Many more had joined us this night. Mike, the owner of the bar had organised a chip van for us and it was such a treat to not have to cook! (its crazy how much you take for granted in modern life)
The following morning again was started with a sore head and myself and Eamon heard there was a petrol station down the road selling breakfast rolls. (beetlebug, look away again) We decided that there was more chance of my car starting first time so with him strapped onto a stool and crouched over and with 2 pairs of bright red eyes we got well and truely lost! After finally finding a petrol station we returned with now cold tea and hard rolls. Enjoyed immensely I might add.
Our last day brought us to Timoleague, Co. Cork where we were put up by a fellow Eireballer, Margaret. This lady (I won't call her elderly as she was the biggest kid of the trip) camped every in a tent (bar one, but we don't mention the lesbus) without a grumble. That's pretty hardcore even for a young-un!
This night was one of the best with live music, bonfire, more shite talking and at this stage loads of friends made. We partied until it was 1999!
The following day many of the convoy headed of, myself included but the rest went back to Arklow for 1 final night. It was an experience I'll never forget and one of the best holidays I've ever been on.
It was a gruelling week of driving and partying hard but I'll definitely do it again!


Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2008
North Wexford
.... its crazy how much you take for granted in modern life ...

..... a week on the open road and his gone all philosophical on us!!!

Great account of your week .... good to hear you had a good trip.
By the way ... you need to catch up on on a few threads around here ..... well one in particular ... lol


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
The tales of your make-shift sleeping arrangements were discussed in Fermoy yesterday, any pics of the conversion? :D


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
I will admit I did scrounge a bit of hot water and food where I could! I survived on prepacked salads from tesco, sandwiches and whatever else I could get at garages along the way, various cafes and burger stands.

Jaysus, that's a healthy diet Ross :D Mind you, I can't cook to save my life so I'd probaby end up doing the same!