Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Eircooled Soapbox Derby


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
mine is almost ready. Just have to fit a tube to one tyre, make a bushing for the front right stub axle, fit the seat properly and settle the right rear axle bearing. Oh, and fit a brake cable for the rear disk.


I took the lazy way out and just bought this kart as a box of pieces with no engine. I had to chase down a few parts to complete it but it's a rolling chassis. Ideal for the soapbox derby. I think I'll be at a disadvantage to those with a lower rolling resistance but sure, I'll give it a go!!

Alan B.

Well-known member
June 22, 2011
i've decided i'm interested in entering aswell for the laugh. i was going to try build something firt before putting myself out there, but what the hell.
is that alright with more seasoned members?

already have a good idea on what i'll build, an will knock together a model as i guide tomorrow.
wont do it tonight as sliced my hand open with a scalpel earlier and passed out, thought i caught a vein as it was very close and deep enough but i was lucky.
will be getting a load of steel for a full sized project so will get some for this too.


Club Member
Club Member
June 11, 2011
theres a place out towards tallaght that do those pneumatic wheels,i got 4 for 50 i think few mths back for the plastic center ones,metal ones wee only a few quid more!

Alan B.

Well-known member
June 22, 2011
wheels including bearings?
theres a crowd out west that supplies a lot of stuff for hand trollys and stuff but you have to register with them to even view their catalog so i havent bothered.

still works out cheaper to order online though for metal ones.
and the shop on the second link, they supply a lot of scooter/mini bike parts aswell that some people might find useful.

anyone planning on building their own steering from scratch?
found a great link the other day on home made spindles built without the need for a welder.
few plumbing fittings and some threaded rod is all they used.


Club Member
Club Member
June 11, 2011
Think thats them,i got 4 of the plastic center ones with bearings for abt 50 euro.was out behind the woodies in tallagh,good selection of other wheels and casters too.


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
Think thats them,i got 4 of the plastic center ones with bearings for abt 50 euro.was out behind the woodies in tallagh,good selection of other wheels and casters too.

deckie got 4x plastic centred pneumatic wheels off me for a tenner! (on a kart that is), shoulda hit him up for more :ROFLMAO: