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Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

convoy to hessisch from belgium mid june


Club Member
Club Member
May 8, 2009
well thats some of the cars , parts and memorabilia that are in the Grundman collection . theres lots more to look at
as i said it is an amazing collection .


Club Member
Club Member
May 8, 2009
well after seeing all we could at Hessisch we packed up fat bob and headed for Wolfsburg
we drove up with the 2 Scottish lads that we met who were traveling in a 64 Devon camper .along the way we stopped at
Bergen Belsen concentration camp .it was a strange experience walking around what could be just a park or country walk anywhere if it wasn't for the memorial stones along the way you would never realize the atrocities that had happen'd there. seeing large mounds dotted around you don't automatically think that these are mass graves some with thousands of unknown victims in .all the while we were walking around you could hear gunfire in the distance from a German army fireing range as i said it was a strange experience .we also noted the behavior of the German school children as they walked into the museum part they were laughing and joking which we found odd but the further they went into the building looking at and reading the history the quieter they got .
i am glad we went as a friend of mine has a kublewagen that allegedly came from this concentration camp and anytime i have worked on it i do think about its history this trip made it a little more real .


Club Member
Club Member
May 8, 2009
after we left Bergen belsen we continued onto Wolfsburg the Scottish lads had booked a campsite so we tagged along with them to see if we could get in .the owner said we could camp in the same plot as the lads so we set about putting up the tent when the camp owner came out and moved us all to a different plot . giving the better plot to a german family LOL.
we got the tent up and decided to head into Wolfsburg for a walk it wasnt to far about 15 minuets walk (although it seems to have taken us about an hour ) .its a very clean town and almost every car or van you see on the road is a Volkswagen as you would expect .we could see the iconic chimeny stacks of the Volkswagen factory in the distance. we walked around i took a few pics and then we headed back to the campsite . we planned to visit the autostadt and the Volkswagen museum the following day then head off to Hamburg .well that was the plan .


Club Member
Club Member
May 8, 2009
next morning we packed up and left the campsite and headed into Wolfsburg we thought we would have a quick look around the Autostadt then onto the old Volkswagen museum .well we ended up spending a few hours looking around the Autostadt .there is alot to see although we wouldnt be that interested in the watercooled side of things .we headed to the vintage car building and almost straight inside the door is the very first Volkswagen built outside of Germany a 1950 split window beetle that was built in DUBLIN .
it still amazes me the amount of people who do not know that Ireland was the first country to assemble beetles outside of Germany everyone assumes it was Mexico or Brazil .so it was good to see it there .i will let the pics say the rest


Club Member
Club Member
October 20, 2010
fair play for adding all the pics
ive hardly been online since we got back
nice to re live it all

i wouldve gave up adding pics about 3 pages back

claire m

Club Member
Club Member
October 1, 2011
You're a dab hand with that camera Jon...great to see all the pics having heard the stories - fair play on all of the uploading!