Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Breakie meet Fermoy - Sat 10th March 10am

Brian T

Club Member
Club Member
November 21, 2007
Cork-a-doodle-doo baaaaai
Just one of the reasons why i couldn't make it to Fermoy, i serviced the engine the previous evening and thought i was all set for the morning, said i would just give it the once over before i left and thats when i noticed that the nut on the carb had come lose, went to tighten it and saw that the whole stud had pull through,(see pic) the threads on the stud and carb were completely worn away, rather that strip it and tap in new threads is there a metal bond which i could apply which would bond the stud in place. Cheers

View attachment 9489

Similar happened on my van, I removed the stud and was able to fit a bolt down through the top after filing away some of the webbing around the top of the hole on the base plate of the carb. The carb is now 'bolted' on that side without a stud fixed to either the carb or top of manifold. Works fine


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
Hi Coxy,Still away at the moment, but i was home when the meet was on for my sons birthday, and i had planned to head up to Fermoy. When i couldn't fix the bolt i decided to spend the day finishing off the garage, shelves and workbenches sorting out the spares, then working on the car, stripped & cleaned all the crap from the bumper irons and sprayed them, fitted new s/s steel bumpers, the old ones are being kept for Kev's bug if he still wants them, still plenty of small jobs left to do. By the way is there someone in the Munster area i could have powder coat the wheels for me, was also thinking about fabbing something like this, it would be a nice little project for when i get home in 2 weeks.




AKA Deckie
November 21, 2006
Ballytoooooole .............
Just one of the reasons why i couldn't make it to Fermoy, i serviced the engine the previous evening and thought i was all set for the morning, said i would just give it the once over before i left and thats when i noticed that the nut on the carb had come lose, went to tighten it and saw that the whole stud had pull through,(see pic) the threads on the stud and carb were completely worn away, rather that strip it and tap in new threads is there a metal bond which i could apply which would bond the stud in place. Cheers

View attachment 9489

same happened me. I tried that two part putty that turns to metal but it didn't hold.
In mine the stud was never screwed right to the top so there was good thread there so I screwed the stud right in till the top protuded the base Its working perfectly just not much spare thread after the nut goes on which isn't a problem

If above won't work i'd go for brian T's solution
you may be able to get some of that metal putty to hold the top of the bolt. I can only see this causing grief on teh rear due to spanner access but more than likely its the front thats gone due to good acccess (more chance of over torquing)


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
Similar happened on my van, I removed the stud and was able to fit a bolt down through the top after filing away some of the webbing around the top of the hole on the base plate of the carb. The carb is now 'bolted' on that side without a stud fixed to either the carb or top of manifold. Works fine

same happened me. I tried that two part putty that turns to metal but it didn't hold.
In mine the stud was never screwed right to the top so there was good thread there so I screwed the stud right in till the top protuded the base Its working perfectly just not much spare thread after the nut goes on which isn't a problem

If above won't work i'd go for brian T's solution
you may be able to get some of that metal putty to hold the top of the bolt. I can only see this causing grief on teh rear due to spanner access but more than likely its the front thats gone due to good acccess (more chance of over torquing)

Thanks lads i tried the putty as well, i used a slightly longer stud and filed the nut down to fit in under the webbing,but i didn't like the look of it, and i was half afraid to file the webbing itself, i'll get something for it when i get home, cheers.


Club Member
Club Member
November 15, 2006
For powder coating - place here in Little Island also, down beside the Cork Mail Centre.
Bernard Spillane
Unit 26, Euro Business Park, Little Island, Cork.
Tel: 021-4355888


Club Member
February 3, 2009
Many great spots for powder coating.

But very few good at shot blasting. I've used a guy called Shay Lawless
no connection but he is excellent. Based in Tallagh 087 2304994

Brian T

Club Member
Club Member
November 21, 2007
Cork-a-doodle-doo baaaaai
I can only see this causing grief on teh rear due to spanner access but more than likely its the front thats gone due to good acccess (more chance of over torquing)

I think it was just a bit fiddly more than anything at the rear, with the distributor cap off it can be done as fair as I remember. hope you get it sorted anyway Keith