Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Barretstown 2018 Event: Holiday Mix Up, Friday 15th June and Event: Festival Fun, Friday 10th August.


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
Small change!! Barretstown need us to kick off at 6.45. So meetup before will be 6.15, top square, Ballymore Eustace.


Club Member
Club Member
April 25, 2011
dundalk ireland
No Title

I'm afraid I'm not going to make this one guys.
The stub axle that left me on the side of the Naas dual carriageway has thrown in the towel again.
Tommy White has it stripped for me and Jon is getting me sorted with the necessary parts, but it aint gonna be ready by Friday.
Mad I'm gonna miss it... was really looking forward to it.
If anyone else is thinking about going, go for it... it's a great nights craic, and you will feel like a million dollars when you see the excitement on these kids faces.

see you at the next one.


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Reactions: Coxy and Joe


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
1: Deckie
2: Trev
3: Coxy
4: Andrew
5. Andy BT

Anyone else that fancies joining us and hasn't got your name on the list, you can simply head on to Ballymore Eustace around 6:15pm and follow us in convoy or if you're running late (as I normally do :blush:) you could always rock up to the gate of Barretstown and call one of us or press the buzzer to ask the staff to let you in. It really is a fun and rewarding experience - if you don't believe me, just look back through any of the threads and read the comments. EVERYONE who has done it loved it! So what have you got to lose? Get your VW out for a summer evening spin and get that fell good factor too :rate10:

See y'all later folks!


AKA Deckie
November 21, 2006
Ballytoooooole .............
1: Deckie
2: Trev
3: Coxy
4: Andrew
5. Andy BT

Anyone else that fancies joining us and hasn't got your name on the list, you can simply head on to Ballymore Eustace around 6:15pm and follow us in convoy or if you're running late (as I normally do :blush:) you could always rock up to the gate of Barretstown and call one of us or press the buzzer to ask the staff to let you in. It really is a fun and rewarding experience - if you don't believe me, just look back through any of the threads and read the comments. EVERYONE who has done it loved it! So what have you got to lose? Get your VW out for a summer evening spin and get that fell good factor too :rate10:

See y'all later folks!

I can't make it but Enda is going.