For anyone who hasn't been there, I would recommend you ask Andy, Dec & Aideen or Billy what they thought. They were Barretstown newbies and each had a different perception of what Barretstown was going to be like but these were blown out of the water pretty quickly once they drove in through the gates!
I think Andy initially thought of it as a hospice, so not a fun place to be at all - he rapidly realised that this was not the case and within a few mins the Essex boy came out in him and he was pumping the chooooons from his stereo and the kids were loving it.
I have to thank Andy for stepping up and getting things moving on the Eircooled Facebook page because had he not done that, I would have been the only one from the forum to show up and it would have had to have been cancelled. It's a brilliant way to spend a few hours and if nothing else, it's a genuine excuse to get your VeeDub out and about. The kids appreciate it as do the team at Barretstown.
There are no more events like this in 2017 (apart from a possible Halloween one) The next one may be next Spring so before you say no, have a think about it and ask a few people who have been there. It's by far one of the most rewarding thing you can do with your VW and it's a bit of craic too. Sinead brought us for a tour around the estate and even though I have been there before there were elements to it and facilities that I had no idea happened on-site.
Barretstown are now looking at corporate team building and meeting rental to generate income so I asked if it would be possible to run a BBQ by the lake at Barretstown for Eircooled and VW nuts in general and Sinead was in favour but I would need to check with their fundraising team regarding insurance etc. Would people be interested in something like that? It would probably be a Sunday afternoon as we'd have to allow for camps/courses happening. It would be a flat fee to get in and get some BBQ food with all funds going to Barretstown .......anyway, it's only an idea and all that would have to be looked at further.