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[For Sale: Car] Bargains on DoneDeal



ha,ha!dont know if id chance that Barry!.

why not ? we won`t tell him

sound Barry,i wouldnt like to put anyone out too much-if it was close that would be great.i forget where he said he was-i think close to Dublin-will check again..
i wouldnt mind if it needed a bit of welding,but dont want a bag of rust either-mabey thats too much too expect for 1300 euros?

if it`s any good 999.99 sounds like a good offer xmas week ;) pm me the details i`ve to hit dublin one day this week anyways


Club Member
Club Member
September 2, 2008
thanks Barry.i know its a slim chance its not a pos,but if you're passing near,no harm looking.my brother was looking for a 1303s project too,so it might suit him either either.appriciate it..


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
hey Trev,i was kind of tempted to ring about this car-was thinking about a cheap daily driver that dosn't need an NCT and has cheap tax.
you reckon it would be pretty bad rust wise is it?-like fook#d sills and all? are 1303's any worse for rust than 1200?dont really know much about where they rust,or if theres different things to look out for on 1303's.just want something to drive for six months/a year without completely falling apart.-or is it best avoid this one altogether?
has anyone come across this one before? is it 1303s? thanks

Well I haven't seen that one up close so I can't say what it's like. I'd like to clarify my previous statement though. I have yet to see a good UNRESTORED UK import 1303. Any I've seen, including some that have been restored, have had loads of bad MOT patching, extensive rot, loads of filler, poor paintjobs, tacky accessories etc. I don't know what it is about the 1303 but they don't seem to have received the same respect as standard beetles over the years.


there`s one going around dublin that was "restored" by someone who shall remain nameless,it was absolutelt rotten to the core but the owner had a sentimental attachment to the car , think he owned it from new, well unbeknownst to him he`s now driving around in a completely different car with his old numbers on it. anyone in the know knows who i`m on about too ;)


Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2008
North Wexford
sound Barry,i wouldnt like to put anyone out too much-if it was close that would be great.i forget where he said he was-i think close to Dublin-will check again..

Colm, find out where it's located, if its Co Wicklow & close to Dublin then its Blessington, Bray or somewhere in between, i can probably have a look at it for you at some stage over the next two days, tried his no. but it's going to message minder


Club Member
Club Member
March 11, 2007
there`s one going around dublin that was "restored" by someone who shall remain nameless,it was absolutelt rotten to the core but the owner had a sentimental attachment to the car , think he owned it from new, well unbeknownst to him he`s now driving around in a completely different car with his old numbers on it. anyone in the know knows who i`m on about too ;)

Well he probably had the choice of a beetle or a trike:p



close Tim but no cigar ;)


Club Member
Club Member
September 2, 2008
thanks Trev.if its not badly rotten i think it might suit me.thanks Rocky-i couldn't get through to him either-texteded him for the adress,but still waiting for a reply.will let you know if i hear back.if its any way solid,and not sold,ther'll be an e36 318is goin cheap!


Club Member
Club Member
April 25, 2011
dundalk ireland
SAMBA ON DONE DEAL.... Update...

just got a reply from my friend "JAMES" in the uk...

I told you that right now I`m located at my father's farm in Great Britain (Kent). He has some health problems and we are forced to sell the bus. If you can`t come here to pick up the T1, I can arrange an delivery at your location & you will have 5 days inspection period untill you decide to buy it or not.

Wait your reply soon!

Building nspector

i told him i will fly over and have a look at it, bet you the next step is a PAY PAL transaction.... how do people actually fall for these scams....?


Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2009
nice looking oval, pricey though. real pity they didn`t paint under the bonnet too while they were at it. the add says all panels original, the left front wing doesn`t look oval era,

It looks a little rough under the bonnet/boot and looks like the number has been reversed (should be 970 SYI) but that wasn't uncommon in the day.