Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

AGM 2013 - Sunday 10th March - Naas


Club Member
Club Member
January 31, 2010
Im not liking the 'official' committee thing at all. Decisions to be made outside of agm/egm should just be put to a vote here in the forum. Committee an titles means a form of power for some people, that's when people start to disagree an fall out. At least now we are all equals, with equal rights an say. I'm happy to continue as we are with Brian holding the funds. The people who want to lead will always step up either ways to get the work done.

Your lookin too much into it i think. Its a committee to help organise shows agm etc, the actual running of the club and its fiances are still in the same capable hands. the reason is so we don't have a farce like the agm this year. still equal rights equal say.


Club Member
Club Member
March 11, 2007
Steering groups and committee by their very nature denote control by those on them, unless the decision making process is put out for a vote on it to all members.

Brian Raftery

October 25, 2006
Kiltimagh Co. Mayo
Well I'm happy some new people have decided to help out with organising events. Its a country wide club and there's only a certain amounts of events that can be organised and attended by the few that are doing it at the moment.

So the next AGM is on Sunday the 4th of January? and who's going to organise it?

Good to see something positive comimg out of the meeting.


Club Member
Club Member
January 31, 2010
Steering groups and committee by their very nature denote control by those on them, unless the decision making process is put out for a vote on it to all members.

I think people are gettin caught up on the name of this committee. If the people on it were called event coordinators i don't think lads would be as gettin wound up. It was discussed at the agm that the people would be nominated and it be put up for a vote on the forum as to who'd be elected. Its a annual thing so if ya thing somebody is gettin hitler like don't vote them in next year..simples! Any Tim the main problem about puttin things to a vote by all the members is that fuck all gets agreed on, anyway its not (as far as i'm aware) the intention of the group to interupt the running of the club as it stands.


Club Member
Club Member
June 19, 2010
, more polls I say...

we should have a poll to see if we should have more or less polls and then another poll to see if people like polls are not. And we could have a poll on peoples favourite pole, be it esb or telecom eireann or Joanna Krupa.


Club Member
Club Member
October 12, 2009
Dublin, Ireland
Committee's don't rule the club, they only facilitate what the majority of the club would like to do. There are lots of small decisions that need to be made and having a poll every time is ludicrous! Only larger more important decisions regarding the direction of the club needs to go out to the membership for a vote. If going down the road of a simple basic Committee is what people would like to do then the club needs to form a Constitution. This will set out the basic principles behind how the Committee operates, like simple things on how money is spent, how often committee positions change and what the role of each position entails.

I'm a Committee type person, no need hiding that fact. I have sat and still sit on many Committee's, both at Club and Professional levels and see the benefits of them. But in saying that, I do like at times the way Eircooled is run with it's laid-back attitude. I think there are lots of get up and go people within this club which has prevented it from becoming stagnant to date. At the very least the club should consider a Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer, Events Co-ordinator, even just as a face to the club.
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Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
Committee's don't rule the club, they only facilitate what the majority of the club would like to do. There are lots of small decisions that need to be made and having a poll every time is ludicrous! Only larger more important decisions regarding the direction of the club needs to go out to the membership for a vote. If going down the road of a simple basic Committee is what people would like to do then the club needs to form a Constitution. This will set out the basic principles behind how the Committee operates, like simple things on how money is spent, how often committee positions change and what the role of each position entails.

I'm a Committee type person, no need hiding that fact. I have sat and still sit on many Committee's, both at Club and Professional levels and see the benefits of them. But in saying that, I do like at times the way Eircooled is run with it's laid-back attitude. I think there are lots of get up and go people within this club which has prevented it from becoming stagnant to date. At the very least the club should consider a Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer, Events Co-ordinator, even just as a face to the club.

That sounds like fun.