Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Search results

  1. Coxy

    Here Comes the Sun - Shankill Castle Kilkenny - 23rd April 2023

    Well done Kev. This was another brilliant event and the weather was fab too! I needed to head back early so didn't make the convoy into C&C. Here are a few of my photos.
  2. Coxy

    Shamrock glass

    Well that fucks my plan to sell my shed full of shamrock glass and retire on the funds :mad: Thanks Trev :cry:
  3. Coxy

    [For Sale: Car] Bargains on DoneDeal

    No Jim, not on the Beetle.ie Census yet.
  4. Coxy

    The Brekkie Roll returns - Saturday 4th of February

    Well done Noah. A great report well written.
  5. Coxy

    The Brekkie Roll returns - Saturday 4th of February

    Well done Noah. The photos are excellent.
  6. Coxy

    The Brekkie Roll returns - Saturday 4th of February

    If ya think the car’s a dose, you should see the driver, he’s not much better Jim 😂
  7. Coxy

    The Brekkie Roll returns - Saturday 4th of February

    Are you going to surprise us by arriving in your Variant 😀
  8. Coxy

    The Brekkie Roll returns - Saturday 4th of February

    Hi everyone. I need to give the lovely folks in the Cottage an idea of numbers so can you let me know if you are coming on Saturday next please? It's 11am in Loughmore.
  9. Coxy

    The Brekkie Roll returns - Saturday 4th of February

    Thanks for that Noah. Yes, the Breakfast Roll is back in Loughmore on Feb 4th. I've told the team in the Cottage that we will arrive from 11am for breakfast. The Eircode for anyone who has never been to The Cottage is E41FK30 Looking forward to catching up with everyone on Saturday Feb 4th...
  10. Coxy

    [For Sale: Car] Bargains on DoneDeal

    That belongs to our own @wackerwacker RHD Ghias are rare machines so I don't see this one sitting around too long.
  11. Coxy

    The Limited Edition Beetle.ie 2023 Calendar

    Thanks to everyone that has preordered your calendar. We're going to print this weekend so if you haven't ordered yours yet then why not jump on to Beetle.ie and we'll make sure you get your calendar very soon. https://beetle.ie/2023-calendar/
  12. Coxy

    The Limited Edition Beetle.ie 2023 Calendar

    Don’t forget time is running out for your pre-orders because once they’re printed, there will be no more!
  13. Coxy

    [For Sale: Car] Bargains on DoneDeal

    I've seen it at a few shows and he even had it at the Brekkie Roll.
  14. Coxy

    The Limited Edition Beetle.ie 2023 Calendar

    Hi everyone. We've been working on this calendar for a few months now and have partnered with professional Irish photographers and enthusiasts to bring you our 'Then & Now' themed calendar. The 2023 calendar features Volkswagens from the early days of Irish motor sport, to daily drivers that...
  15. Coxy

    [For Sale: Car] Bargains on DoneDeal

    Myself and Trev were talking about it yesterday and although it's a ZE reg, it's not a Marathon Beetle. Well spotted on the ZE reg though (y)
  16. Coxy

    Dublin Meets - First Wednesday of each month

    Great pics Noah. Nice selection of VeeDubs. Barry's sunroof Beetle looks tough as nails.
  17. Coxy

    Just an idea

    Not me anyway. I haven’t heard anyone talking about it so I’m not sure if there’ll be too many from Eircooled. Are you going Noah?
  18. Coxy

    Looking for 1303

    It's possible but it's more of a faff than before. I haven't imported anything lately so I'm not one to advise but all I do know is that it's not as straightforward as it once was which is a shame. I'd certainly be interested to hear how you get on if you go down that route.
  19. Coxy

    Looking for 1303

    Wow! What a beetle you had. Looks and power! The perfect mix 👍 I don’t know if any good 1303 Beetles for sale at the moment. They don’t pop up too often.