Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Recent content by Dirty1

  1. Dirty1

    Ostküste 2019, June 22-23

    We’re back again for 2019 after a great day last year thanks to the support of Eircooled members we had a great turnout of Aircooled VW’s. Same venue. The Farrier’s In, Avoca Co. Wicklow. Date: June 22-23 Camping from 5pm Saturday Show and Shine from 10am Sunday. Keep an eye on our event page...
  2. Dirty1

    Ostküste 2016, June 26th

    Okay its time to get off the fence and do something I've been on about for ages. Following the success of our Cristmas Cruise, we've decided to organise an Oldschool VAG show here in Wicklow. The finer details will be ironed out and posted soon but I'm just letting you all know as it's pretty...
  3. Dirty1

    Christmas Cruise, Wicklow, Dec 27th.

    Great day out today. Thanks to everyone who made the effort, nearly 20 VW's took part which meant there were over 30 people at the pub afterwords. Roll on 2016 an we'll organise some more.
  4. Dirty1

    Christmas Cruise, Wicklow, Dec 27th.

    Good few more to be added to that list, KNK 64 Bug, Lazy Split, HappyCampers T5 an a gaggle of Mk2's so far. Road book is printed too.
  5. Dirty1

    Christmas Cruise, Wicklow, Dec 27th.

    Some of us a Wicklow based 'Dublin meet' deserters are having a gathering over Christmas. A Coffee-Cruise-Lunch kinda thing. It's aimed at Oldschool VW's and all VW Vans but anything VAG is welcome. Forecast is wet but we're going to have our bugs out. Sunday 27th Dec. Start: 11.00am...
  6. Dirty1

    A snipet of Irish Formula Vee history

    I found a early news letter after the first season of Vee racing in Ireland. Ivan was runner up in the first season. He said his car was one of the first chassis's an heavy. It didn't preform so good on the circuits but suited the hills better. The season was a mix of hill climbs an circuits...
  7. Dirty1

    Aircooled Drag Day 2, Aug 24th.

    Just incase it gets missed, the Aircooled Drag Day an Show'N'Shine is on this Sunday the 24th at Bishopscourt. The probably the best VW event of the year an the only one of it's kind in Ireland. Show N Shine is pre entry an open to all transporters an retro H2O up to 1995. Details in the...
  8. Dirty1

    Circuit Racing and Hillclimb Beetles.

    I've been trawling the Internet lately for information on good track prepped bugs, it's hard to get detailed information but there is a lot of people racing them an their not all 1303's either which is what I want to see. I've just stumbled across the Copa Fusca and this guy Wessler Racing but...
  9. Dirty1

    Transporter Owners Meet, Sunday, March 23rd

    I just realized this hasn't been posted here.This weekend, Brian from Happy Campers has organized a meet of transporter owners,(all types), outside his premises on Sunday, from 2 till 6 approx. It was organized through the Transporter Owners of Ireland Facebook page. There's a prize for best...
  10. Dirty1

    3 engines to build, what size/spec to choose?

    No I haven't won the lotto, but I'm trying to lay out a long term plan so I can gather the parts to build engines for some of my projects. I had started gathering parts but I was quickly told by Caddy that I'd bought components because they were cheap an not because they went together or...
  11. Dirty1

    Le Bug Show 2013. Spa Francochamps, Belguim.

    Myself an Eilish chose Spa over EBI this year as part of our annual Euro road trip. I haven't posted pics yet but I just came across this nice vid. If you speak French an have a spare 20mins, grab a coffee an sit back to see what your missing! See if you can spot me also, I'm standing there at...
  12. Dirty1

    Weight loss.

    So far during the race car build I've tried to cut off every bit of metal bracket or tab that's not required. I've removed all the sound deadening an added Lexan glass. There's still a bit to do that I hadn't time to do in the run unto the 24th but I figure soon I'm gonna be adding weight when I...
  13. Dirty1

    Tyre size / gearing.

    For the Drag Day I sent Mick off to get some cheap rubber to get us going. I told him to get some 195/65/15's an the best he came up with in that size were a pair of Pirelli snow tyres for €30 (an 2 Pirelli space saver 125/15 for €10). the thinking behind the snow tyres was that they have softer...
  14. Dirty1

    Leinster Motor Club annual Vintage Regularity trial. Sunday 30th June.

    http://www.leinstermotorclub.ie/vintage-veteran-run Im a bit late posting this but it's a great event, bit like a treasure hunt but you've to maintain a certain average speed an arrive an depart checkpoint on the route at specific times an in certain directions. I've missed it the last few...
  15. Dirty1

    [Wanted: Parts] Engine, 1600 or 1300

    My mate Kyle who bought Stumps old bug threw a leg outa bed on the way to Limerick an wrecked the case of his 1300 so now he is weighing up his options an looking for a motor. He knew his wasn't great an was gonna overall it after Limerick an fit 1600 barrels etc. Has anyone got a decent more...