Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Tipperary Members

eddie cotter

Club Member
Club Member


absoutly great night out! enjoyed the convoy down n back as well
can we do it again please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least my bug didnt let me down,
figured it out, loose fuze...... nearest one to the steering wheel its feeding a live from the key to the coil just in case it ever happens one of you!
the kids loved it as well... it was great talking to all the lads n swapping stories....

eddie cotter

Club Member
Club Member
some racket

some racket

yeah justin! what do you think of my shit lanching technique?
thats what you do with a 2017cc motor in the boot! its not running right though........ i got twin dellrottos but i recon they are out of sync & need to be jetted,,,, that prevoius owner was supposed to be running good times as santa pod... great night tonight


Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
Excellent turnout alright, apart from Eirespares it's hard to think when there was as many cars together!

Who's is the beige beetle on BRMs - very nice, not spotted it before.


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Who's is the beige beetle on BRMs - very nice, not spotted it before.

It belongs to John Brosnan I think. It was originally owned by Gritz who sold it to Eddie Cotter who part restored it and then John finished it.


Club Member
A great nite out, nice to see a few faces behind the user names.

Thanks to all for the effort, nice way to spend a Wednesday evening, even without the tea and scones, but I have to admit there was a mention of dry pasta been offered...thanks Justin !!!


eddie cotter

Club Member
Club Member
nice one brian, its 1965 vw pannama beige took me ages to sort the paint,
i spent a fortune on that car! every thing is new exept for the roof,
all 4 full qtrs front & back clips 2 crossmembers 2 channells ,2 pillars new doors i did the floorpan myself replacing every thing....
couldnt get body shop to finnish it & just at that time the 60 rag top poped up & i couldnt let it go so i sold the 71 to john brosnan from cashel
he has a set of original pop outs to go in soon as well, it was first regd in abbeyleix anyway its great to see the car finnished & back on the road whear it belongs


Club Member
Club Member
November 11, 2008
Seen that car in Martin's a few months ago,Its a really nice car,John Brosnan if that's your car well ware,love the wing mirrors