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[For Sale: Car] T25 single cab project


Club Member
Club Member
October 12, 2009
Dublin, Ireland
I got the grill from Jon White.

You better put a full set of springs on your shopping list too.

Yeah I noticed she was riding a bit low on the front...I didn't even have to look to know what was done! :)

Steve...the first step they say is admitting you have a problem! ;)

id have a lower grill,handbrake,dash clocks and mayb springs if u wants 2nd hand,
also dropsides and rear if they missing?

Pete, both dropsides are there and the rear too, but I might take you up on the lower grill, handbrake, dash clocks. The springs I don't need as I have other plans for the suspension. T25's are an absolute bitch to get really low but I'm gonna try get this mother as low as possible....without going the bagged route. ;)

What sure you'll stick a motor an box on this weekend!

As for the queue, have you finished that studio? What about the Derby, do you still have it? Get it going for Dubshed!

At least with you an Rocky around, my head dosnt stay wrecked too long as you keep buying up all the cheap, cool projects!

She's a diesel Tsar and I ain't got one lying around unfortunately. The Derby is still here, a little more welding to the rear quarters and a new set of tyres and she'll be ready to go. Planning on trying to have it ready for Limerick. When is Dubshed?

I gutted the existing extension to the rear of the house over Christmas so the Studio won't be done till this gets finished. Although I may be divorced soon enough as we currently have no kitchen or bathroom! Irina has been patient so far but I need to get the finger out! ;)

Sorry Rez....Artist Studio unfortunately! ;)


Club Member
Club Member
November 22, 2006
That's one patient woman! I just got planning permission so that's gonna take more time from my projects - just when I get the workshop sorted too! Do you not stress about them? Normally I didnt till I quit racing bikes last year to actually get started, but right now I've several on the go at the same time so progress is slow but steady, I really need to concentrate on one at a time!

That SIKA is sweet, drop in the Audi motor!

Oh yeah dub shed is march 25th, gonna be huge this year!


Club Member
Club Member
November 22, 2006
To be fair to you Trev your probably the most effective builder I know when it comes to getting things done! If I went through the list of stuff I'm in the middle of it make you feel good about your progress! I wouldn't mind but I'm in the workshop every night!


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
some food for thought:


1.6 diesel and stock gearbox on left, Audi V6 biturbo on Porsche 996 gearbox on right. Good for 160MPH in a type25 apparently ;)


Club Member
Club Member
October 12, 2009
Dublin, Ireland
Build thread please??? :)

Although I would prefer to swing the engine the opposite direction rather than hang it out the back.