Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Stanford Hall - Sunday 4th of May 2014


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
One of the cool things about Stanford Hall is the history people have with their cars. Like the guy I mentioned earlier that bought the Karmann Cabriolet new, Clive Dixon bought this GT Beetle 38yrs ago and has maintained it ever since. He has a 1303 in Cliff Green AFAIK that he brings to the show every other year. He still has the original GT Beetle badge on the back shelf.

Another car with history is this white US spec '67

It was bought by a US serviceman through the Tourist scheme and the first stamp in the book is Wolfsburg. After that, there are stamps from Madrid, London, France ........basically, he travelled a lot with his car but he recorded EVERY penny spent on it from fuel to repairs. Trev would love his mileage/MPG calculations! He brought the Beetle home to the US and even kept all of the export and shipping documents when it boarded the ship in Portugal, he even noted the name of the ship!. When the original service book filled up he got another one from VW and continued to record all the scheduled maintenance in that one while all the time keeping a file of any additional work/spend on the car. There are stamps from Florida and then California where he retired to. When he died his kids offered it for sale and it was bought by the current owner to go into his collection. Myself and Mr. Beag are heading over to look at his collection in a few weeks so I'll have a look at the service history in more detail then as I have never seen such a comprehensive service history with a car ever before.