Yeah Homer can be a bit grumpy sometimes
the fuel gauge is not working and it was only the 3rd day driving him with the new 1600 in, so i still hadn't worked out the MPG so i ran out of fuel half way there :rroulette:
A quick call to lazy got me a lift to a fuel station (cheers Pat) but soon after starting it conked out again. Lazy got it started again and told me to keep the revs up. So thats what i did.
When i pulled into the carpark a few people commented on my speed and a few moments later someone commented about the smoke pouring out the rear air vents :blink:
But it was just spilt oil burning off the now red hot engine. I think he learnt his lesson because he behaved all the way home.
Just another day in a bay :rapstar:
Did anyone else notice the stoneage handbrake on the citroen DS