Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Road Run on the 27th...............


AKA Deckie
November 21, 2006
Ballytoooooole .............
Yeah just spotted that! Funny after only a 30-40 mile trip from town, a few of the Yank guys where out with their oil cans topping up their V8's!

@ Deckie, yellow and black bus is 3Nero's, broke down on way from Bray and LazyDog got him sorted!

nice to meet you Lazy BTW!

sure he lives in bray.
not having much luck so farwith homer :(

Lazy Dog

Club Member
Club Member
October 14, 2008
Maghermore, Wicklow.
Few more pics for ya.........

Nice bug, but I think he broke his suspension driving in....!



They weren't too fussy who they let attend.............

This monster blocked my view for over three years............ I was not sad to see it go..... but was quite cool seeing it again...!

Shapely arse........

I used to love these............

Good to see some old mates, good hooking up with some new faces....!


Club Member
Club Member
November 12, 2008
Co. Wicklow
Yeah Homer can be a bit grumpy sometimes :eek:

the fuel gauge is not working and it was only the 3rd day driving him with the new 1600 in, so i still hadn't worked out the MPG so i ran out of fuel half way there :rroulette:
A quick call to lazy got me a lift to a fuel station (cheers Pat) but soon after starting it conked out again. Lazy got it started again and told me to keep the revs up. So thats what i did.
When i pulled into the carpark a few people commented on my speed and a few moments later someone commented about the smoke pouring out the rear air vents :blink:

But it was just spilt oil burning off the now red hot engine. I think he learnt his lesson because he behaved all the way home.

Just another day in a bay :rapstar:

Did anyone else notice the stoneage handbrake on the citroen DS :ROFLMAO: