Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.
Bad news I can't make it to Mayo for the weenkend. The whole family are sick and don't want to travel to Mayo. But I did manage to get a cancelation place in the Dublin parade so hopefully Tiernan and myself will be fit enough to attend that and show off our Beetle.
Sorry I cant make it guys. My granny was taken into hospital for a fairly serious operation, so I wanted to stay around in case anything went wrong. The good news though is she's through it now, but shes still under sedation. Im going to go and visit her soon.
Yeah she fell yesterday and broke her hip. Shes 92 years old, has osteoporosis and angina so wasnt exactly the best candidate for surgery. Im glad she got through it OK though, but it will be a long road to recovery. Have a good parade anyway! I hope its good and the weather holds off!
thanks to Anne for the lovely homemade scones for the tea
We had three classic bugs, a karmann ghia, the VW bay camper and a newbie bug 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) great turn out for a wet day and it was lovely to meet everyone again 8)
Here's some pictures of the Dublin parade.
We had a bit better luck with the weather, it was very windy but the rain held off till the parade was over.
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