Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.
Ah deadly, great turn out. And another strut beetle - I love it. Didn't make it last night due to baby screaming all day and a wife that needed sleep. Beetle is up on blocks anyway. There's always next month.
I was up in Halfords (by KFC) earlier and noticed that it is closed for a week due to renovation.
Therefore this Tuesday night we will meet at the Applegreen service station at Junction 7 just off the M9.
Waterford folks - Just stay on the motorway 2 more exits.
Kildare (northern folks) get off a junction earlier.
It should suit ye Stradbally yokes as well
Hopefully service will return to normal next month
As usual, ALL welcome. See ye there at 7:30
11 heads at tonights meet.
It was practically a T4 meet but fair play to drifterex for flying the aircooled flag....all the way up from Waterford.
As usual we had members from surrounding counties making the trip. Really looking forward to some light at these over the coming warmer months.
Hopefully we'll be back to our usual location next month.
Lovely catching up with you last night Keith. Pity you can't remember being there. You told a great story about the hookers and cocaine. Pity it turned out to be a bloke.
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