Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Indoor Swap Meet, Static Show, & BBQ // Kildare // 2nd December

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
Hello Everybody (Dr Nick voice)

So we have a lot of people coming selling. Jon from VWSpares will be there in force along with 5 or 6 people mentioned above ^. If anyone knows Ben, Emilio, John Hickey, and the other chaps who sell VW parts for a living will you call or email them and let them know it is free, friendly, and hopefully fun?

So will we have buyers? All I can promise you is a warm dry huge warehouse where you can chat, buy, sell, admire cars, eat, and if people feel like it go for a spin. But sure isn't that enough? Maybe reply to this tread and let us know if you are going.

If anyone wants to set-up their stall or drop in their car on Friday or Saturday just let me know and I'll arrange it.

Is it ok with everyone if I abuse my last remnants of power in Eircooled and send a bulk PM about this to gather interest?

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
From N4

My preferred route is to take the Maynooth exit and go through Straffan and then join the N7 Southbound at Kill - then follow directions from Dublin

From Dublin

Take the N7 Southbound (Cork/Limerick)
Do not take the Naas exit with the famous big ball (Naas North) - instead proceed onto the M7 motorway
Do take the next exit - Jct 10, Naas South
At the T junction on the top of the off ramp take a left towards the roundabout
At the roundabout (Bundle of Sticks Roundabout) take the right (i.e. third left) for Newbridge (see below)

From Cork

Take the M7 Northbound
Take Jct 10, Naas South
At the roundabout on the top of the off ramp take a right (4th exit) basically crossing over the flyover
At the roundabout (Bundle of Sticks Roundabout) take the right (i.e. third left) for Newbridge (see below)

From Naas

Follow the signs for Newbridge until you get to the Bundle of Sticks Roundabout
Go through the roundabout (2nd left) for Newbridge (see below)

From Bundle of Sticks Roundabout

Continue about 2 miles in direction of Newbridge to the next roundabout at Toughers garage
Take the first left off that roundabout into the business park
Pass through the barriers and security (low-riders beware steep ramps!)
Take the next left at the small crossroads and follow the road around the next left hand band (keep Yankee Candles on your right)
Take the last left at the back of the estate and you have arrived

Sat Nav


Google Maps

Travel time from Dublin city approx 45 minutes on a Sunday, 30 minutes from M50
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November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
From Cork

Take the M7 Northbound
Take Jct 10, Naas South
At the T junction on the top of the off ramp take a left towards the roundabout
At the roundabout (Bundle of Sticks Roundabout) take the right (i.e. third left) for Newbridge (see below)

this is a bit confusing. At the top of the offramp at Junction 10 heading Northbound there's a small roundabout, take the 4th exit, basically crossing over the flyover above the motorway towards Naas, then follow the signs for Newbridge (3rd exit off the big "Bundle of Sticks" roundabout).

stupid name for a roundabout anyway...


Club Member
Club Member
July 7, 2009
I think i will be there as i'm up in the area that weekend. I will bring loads of pre 67 stuff, accessories, etc. Most of it NOS stuff. Thinking of selling my VAG Micro fiche reader, NOS portable Micro fiche reader and the huge folder of VAG Micro fiches. Looking for €500 for the lot. Let me know in advance, as this will take up a lot of room in my car.

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
this is a bit confusing. At the top of the offramp at Junction 10 heading Northbound there's a small roundabout, take the 4th exit, basically crossing over the flyover above the motorway towards Naas, then follow the signs for Newbridge (3rd exit off the big "Bundle of Sticks" roundabout).

stupid name for a roundabout anyway...

thats what I said ^^ :) [edited to reflect your correctness - thank you]

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
I have lots of old office desks which can be used as stall type tables so if ye are stuck for room don't worry about bringing tables etc

There will be a BBQ in full flow - I will supply some half daycent burgers but if you want to bring your own t-bone feel free

I have had lots of replies to the email saying "I'll be there" so it looks like it will be at least as big as the Galway swap meet - hopefully bigger. If yer selling maybe spread the word about for your own benefit

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
Ladytown Meat Feast

Ladytown Meat Feast

Well if this delightful looking roadside diner doesn't do it for you then I can only hold my hands up in despair!! Now all I have to do is figure out how to cook BBQ indoor without setting all your cars on fire....

2012-11-28 18.19.19.jpg


Club Member
Club Member
November 8, 2010
jasus i am so pissed off i am after gettin called in to work as the prick that was suposed to cover me today cried in sick at the last minuet without ringing me first and if i get my hands on him he will be out for a month so sorry i cant make it as i will be busy trying to hunt down the b...... :mad:

Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
The warehouse is literally jam packed with people selling VW parts so please please please make the effort to come today if you are browsing or buying. The guys have been here since 9am setting up so they need your support. It is 30 mins from Dublin so no excuses!!! :)